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Commitment of ETNO Sustainability Charter signatories is not diminishing despite crisis, reveals latest ETNO Sustainability Report


Fri, 03/26/2010


Climate & Environment
Sustainable Dev.

BRUSSELS – CO2 emissions of signatories to the ETNO Sustainability Charter have decreased by 20% between 2006 and 2008 despite a significant increase in overall energy demand due to growing mobile and data traffic, according to the 2009 Sustainability Report presented today to key stakeholders from EU institutions and industry. 

The ETNO bi-annual report monitors progress made by the 22 signatories of the ETNO Sustainability and Environmental Charter created in 1996 and open to all players on the market. 

“Achieving a sustainable growth is one of the key pillars of the recently adopted EU 2020 Strategy. The ETNO members’ commitment towards a continuous improvement of environmental performance demonstrates that sustainability and economic growth are fully compatible objectives. This should set an example for the rest of the economy”, says Michael Bartholomew, ETNO Director. 

“This edition of the sustainability report shows that despite slowing revenue and investment growth, sustainability remains a top priority for telecoms operators, confirming their leading contribution to a more sustainable economy”, says Danilo Riva, Chairman of ETNO Sustainability Working Group. 

The consistent decrease in CO2 emissions despite an overall growth of energy demand is the result of a strong commitment by ETNO members to optimise energy consumption. ETNO has contributed to the development of the codes of conducts on Energy Consumption of Broadband Equipment and on Data Centres and is promoting both among its membership. 

Another main finding is that 90% of ETNO Charter signatories are involving their suppliers in programmes aiming at improving environmentally responsible development. Waste management is another area where significant improvement is observed with a reduction of waste production by 7% and an increase of recycled waste by 10% between 2006 and 2008. 

Based on the experience of the telecoms sector, ETNO looks forward to co-operating with the new Commission to ensure that all sectors of the economy fully exploit the potential of ICT to reduce CO2 emissions and enable a low carbon economy for a sustainable growth. 

To download the full report, please consult: 

For more information, please contact: Thierry Dieu, ETNO Communications Manager

Tel:    (32-2) 219 32 42 Fax:  (32-2) 219 64 12 E-mail:

ETNO’s 41 member companies from 35 European countries represent a significant part of total ICT activity in Europe. They account for an aggregate annual turnover of more than ?250 billion and employ over one million people across Europe. ETNO companies are the main drivers of broadband and are committed to its continual growth in Europe.