Commission proposes 'plan' for inaction on energy efficiency in EU
The European Commission today adopted an energy efficiency plan, with a view to outlining how the EU target of reducing energy consumption 20% by 2020 can be achieved. The Greens have criticised the 'plan', which fails to present any decisive action on energy efficiency. Commenting on the plan, Green energy spokesperson Claude Turmes said:
"The Commission has today presented a 'plan' for inaction on energy efficiency in the EU. Given the plan is little more than an empty shell with no new, meaningful, concrete EU measures on energy efficiency being proposed, it is hardly surprising that Commisioner Oettinger dropped the word 'action' from the title of the document.
"Despite EU member states continually recommitting to the 20% energy savings target, most recently on 4 February, the Commission is failing to come forward with concrete proposals to bridge the wide gap towards meeting the target. The plan depends heavily on national level measures for achieving the 20% target but, given the national targets for energy efficiency member states have submitted as part of the Europe 2020 strategy, these are likely to be insufficient to bridge the gap.
"Given a true commitment to energy efficiency is essential if the EU is to meet its energy security and climate goals, this plan is particularly disappointing; all the more so in the context of the current oil price spike.
"The Greens will work with stakeholders and continue to push for more ambition, notably through the planned forthcoming revisions of EU legislation on energy services and car emissions. We will also work to ensure the forthcoming EU budget contains measures to leverage investments opportunities in energy savings in all sectors of the economy."
See our press release on the EU's 2050 climate roadmap, also presented today:
Richard More O'Ferrall,
Press and media officer,
Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament
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