We are pleased to announce the launch of COGEN World Coalition (CWC), a global association that will bring together a worldwide community of companies, associations, institutions and other key stakeholders focused on the use of cogeneration (also known as combined heat and power or CHP).
The CWC has been established to ensure a better contribution of cogeneration to environmental sustainability and the fight against climate change, while supporting economic growth. Cogeneration is part of the backbone of all energy systems in the transition toward a more resilient, efficient and sustainable energy future.
Founding members of CWC include associations such as ACOGEN, CHP Alliance, COGEN Europe, COGEN Spain, COGEN Brazil, COGENERA México, ITALCOGEN and KOJEN TÜRK and leading companies in the sector such as AB Energy, Baker Hughes, Clarke Energy, INNIO, Kawasaki and 2G.
COGEN World Coalition’s Main Objectives
CWC, acting as the global reference point for the cogeneration sector, will support countries and broader regions that have recently entered the cogeneration market and may be only just beginning to develop the technology and processes by enabling them to leverage best practices from other parts of the world where it is already mature and widely adopted.
CWC will:
- Inform, educate and promote a wider use of cogeneration worldwide;
- Create and foster dialogue with relevant intergovernmental organizations including the United Nations, International Energy Agency, World Trade Organisation, World Bank, IMF, etc.;
- Support the establishment and development of national and continental associations/networks linked to cogeneration;
- Connect companies, entrepreneurs, associations and professionals active in the field of energy efficiency;
- Exchange information and experiences related to cogeneration technology;
- Support initiatives in order to lobby policymakers and regulators; and
- Exchange, discuss and develop positions on issues of common interest including energy efficiency, climate change, sustainable development, financing and more.
The President of CWC is David Gardiner, current Executive Director of the US-based Combined Heat and Power Alliance (CHP Alliance). Hans Korteweg, current Managing Director of Brussels-based COGEN Europe, will be the first Executive Director.
“The COGEN World Coalition is an exciting new venture bringing together stakeholders to help policy makers and others from around the globe understand how cogeneration reduces emissions and improves grid reliability to combat the growing effects of climate change. Cogeneration can reduce emissions in industry and buildings and ensure delivery of power and heat in the face of increasing climate-induced grid disruptions.” David Gardiner, President of COGEN World Coalition, Executive Director of the CHP Alliance
“COGEN Europe is delighted to be a co-founder of the COGEN World Coalition. By joining forces, we can speed up the creation of resilient, decentralised and carbon-neutral energy system. Cogeneration is a main driver to decarbonise our society in a cost-effective way, and with CWC this message will resonate across all borders.” Hans Korteweg, Executive Director of COGEN World Coalition, Managing Director of COGEN Europe