Cogeca press release on the occasion of the Presidency Business Forum for the input Supplies sector in Stockholm 11 September 2009
The impact of the current economic crisis and ways to improve the competitiveness of European agri-cooperatives was discussed by EU cooperative leaders, the Swedish Government and European Commission today.
EU cooperative leaders from the farm input and supplies sector warned that the financial crisis and its impact on markets is putting an enormous pressure on farmers cooperatives, reducing their ability to respond to market signals.
The farm input and supplies sector provides grouped acquisition and management of products and services and it plays a crucial role in reducing farmers’ costs and helping them to become more competitive.
Cogeca President, Prof. Gert van Dijk stated that: “European agri-cooperatives are essential in supporting the economic interests of farmers. They need a level playing field at EU level that guarantees the competitiveness of the agro-food sector. That is why we call upon the
European Commission to review commercial and anticompetitive practices that obstruct a proper and balanced operation of the food chain”. It is also necessary to monitor the operation of the entire food supply chain and provide increased transparency to consumers, he concluded.
For further information, please contact:
Paulo Gouveia
Tel.: +32 2 287 27 35
Amanda Cheesley
Press Officer
Mobile: + 32 474 840 836