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“Clean energy for all Europeans”: good intentions, but more needed!


Wed, 11/30/2016


The proposed 30% binding energy efficiency target marks the recognition of energy efficiency as catalyst for securing sustainable growth, jobs and competitiveness in the EU. Eurima shares the intentions of the Commission to accelerate building renovation rates, to facilitate access to finance and create jobs in the building  sector. At the same time, we question whether the proposedlegislative package will effectively unleash the intrinsic energy savings potential of buildings  and building renovation as most cost-effective contributor to decarbonisation.
Highly efficient buildings are a prerequisite for the transition to “Clean energy for all Europeans” as without their contribution enormous additional investments in electricity production and infrastructure will be required to cover the peak loads due to badly performing buildings.
“We needed this package to enable two things: maximising the contribution of the building stock to solving climate & energy challenges, while optimizing directly the living conditions of the EUcitizens”, said Pascal Eveillard, Eurima President. “Positive intentions are definitely there, but are these enough to deliver at scale?”.
According to the IEA, 70% of the additional climate efforts needed to reach COP21Committments would have to be put, at EU level, in energy savings, notably in buildings. Deep renovation of the EU building stock can bring gas consumption down by 95% by 2050. A rise of building renovation would alleviate fuel poverty, affecting more than 54 million of European citizens, and would lower health costs by 42 cents for every € invested in thermal renovation. This can only be realised by focusing first on the intrinsic performance of the building.
“There are definitely hooks for further improvements” said  Jan te Bos, Eurima’s Director General.
“As decarbonisation can only be achieved by combining energy efficiency and renewable  supply at their best level, we need a clear long term vision to frame the energy performance of our building stock, which should drive the implementation of national renovation strategies”.
Similarly, building owners should benefit from individual renovation roadmaps or building renovation passports as a guiding instrument enabling to align efficiency and comfort improvements, as well as short term and long term measures.
Eurima counts on the European Parliament and Council to further steer the legislation in the right direction, creating the right framework for the building stock to truly addresss citizens’ needs.
Eurima is the European Insulation Manufacturers Association, representing the interests of all major mineral wool insulation producers throughout Europe. Eurima members employ over 21,000 people across Europe with the installation of insulation products accounting for an estimated 300,000 man-years.
Eurima members manufacture mineral wool insulation products. These products are used in residential and commercial buildings as well as industrial facilities. Glass and stone wool insulation secure a high level of comfort, low energy costs and minimised CO2 emissions. Mineral wool insulation prevents heat loss through roofs, walls, floors, pipes and boilers, reduces noise pollution and protects homes and industrial facilities from the risk of fire.
For further information on energy efficiency in buildings, please visit:


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