Cefic responds to Juncker State of the European Union speech, asks for compelling vision for industry
On behalf of the European chemical industry, Marco Mensink, Cefic Director General issued the following statement in response to today’s State of the European Union speech:
“Cefic today welcomes the State of the Union by President Juncker. This important speech addresses a call made by many European citizens – the need for a better narrative on why Europe is important for its citizens. There will be many reactions to this speech.
But it’s important to welcome a President who stands for Europe, who is willing to fight for the idea that Europe is a better place with the European Union than without it.
Trade federations such as Cefic discuss the needs of their members with EU politicians and public servants every day. But at the same time they stand up for Europe, in the many meetings we have around Europe and across the world. The staunchest defenders of the single market and free trade, of the benefits of a level playing field and common European standards, are organisations like Cefic.
Today is not a day to criticize. It’s a day to give support to every effort that makes Europe a better and more sustainable place, for its citizens and its industry.
The core question for Cefic is how to make sure the next generation of investments and innovation by globally operating companies actually comes to Europe. The answer is that it will only be when Europe is a success, a place where people and companies want to be, and want to invest.
Cefic therefore looks forward to the common vision that will be present for the 60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. We urge the Commission to include a comprehensive policy for industry in here as well, following the most successful EU project ever – the single market.
We applaud the drive for a quick ratification of the Paris accord. We attend meetings around the world where the USA and China congratulate each other on their lead in climate change policy and Europe is left behind.
We cannot agree more that free trade and the trade agreement with Canada are pillars under the EU economy. The trade mandate for the EU needs to be preserved.
But most of all we agree that one speech does not solve it all. Much work needs to be done. Cefic will be there to support and engage."