CEDR launches new strategy on road safety – towards the Vision Zero
Road safety is currently a key priority for CEDR and a very specific aim of CEDR’s 2021 UK Presidency. In this context, CEDR launched in November 2021 a new strategy on road safety through the publication of its latest position paper entitled ‘’Main road safety challenges for European Road Directors the next 5-10 years – towards the Vision Zero’’.
The strategy includes ambitious short-term goals to reach zero fatalities and serious injuries in road traffic (Vision Zero) taking into account the important and intertwined roles of vehicles, road infrastructure and users.
In the above context, CEDR has identified and highlighted four areas of interest where European Road Directors see challenges and opportunities related to Vision Zero; safety as part of sustainability, safety on the entire road network, safety for all road users and safety and digitalisation.
On safety and sustainability, the strategy focuses on the usage of procurement as a safety tool, the importance of non-motorised mobility and the development of an action plan for geofencing, among other issues. Regarding safety on the entire road network, CEDR highlights the need to develop a road improvement guidance in line with Vision Zero as well as the need to invest in areas of higher risks.
With regards to safety for all road users, the strategy prioritises the safety of vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and users of two-wheelers, among others. On safety and digitalisation, CEDR focuses on the improvement of the data provided to road users which will help them make good decisions about their journeys.
Overall, the aim of the new strategy is to provide European Road Directors with relevant recommendations and knowledge, whilst accepting that decisions will always be influenced by the challenges faced by each National Road Authority in their own jurisdiction.
The elements and goals included in the strategy will function as the guideline for CEDR’s future activities on road safety. Concrete implementation actions will be taken in the context of CEDR's future Action Plans based on the strategy's recommendations.
Finally, the strategy will be disseminated to relevant stakeholders and possible partnerships will be sought to implement all the issues addressed.
More information on CEDR’s new strategy on road safety can be found here.