Buses and coaches: meeting today’s and tomorrow’s mobility challenges
First Euro-Asian Bus and Coach Forum highlights the need for bus and coach-friendly policies to ensure sustainable and affordable mobility for all.
Istanbul – The First Euro-Asian Bus and Coach Forum today highlighted the pivotal role bus and coach transport can play in the sustainable movement of people across the Black Sea, South-East Europe, Middle East and Central Asian regions, provided that bus and coach friendly policies and incentives are implemented.
Organised in the framework of Busworld Turkey by the International Road Transport Union (IRU), in partnership with the United Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations (UFTAA), the Arab Union of Land Transport (AULT) and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the Forum brought together some 150 political and business personalities from across the region to discuss passenger transport trends, challenges and opportunities and explore policy proposals and industry best practices to emulate throughout the region in order to achieve sustainable mobility for all.
IRU Vice President and CEO of Heyfordian Travel (UK), Graham Smith, said, “Conservative figures worldwide show that buses and coaches are the greenest, safest and most affordable mode of transport. Used effectively, they can provide an optimal solution to today’s and tomorrow’s mobility challenges, such as congestion, road safety, connectivity with other transport modes and environmental preservation. However, this will require pro-bus and pro-coach policies to become the rule rather than the exception.”
Forum participants concluded that partnerships with public authorities and other industry stakeholders are key to effectively implement practical solutions that will encourage citizens to switch from their private car to buses and coaches. Such solutions include improved infrastructure for fast and convenient inter-modality, integrated ticketing systems, car free zones and better parking management.
“While transport and mobility policies are instrumental in promoting increased bus and coach transport, manufacturers and operators are also doing their part: events such as Busworld Turkey of the Bus and Coach Forum allow the industry to showcase new vehicle technologies and best practices that further improve safety, user-friendliness and environmental performance of bus and coach transport in the region, where the demand for the mobility of people is constantly increasing,” Busworld Turkey General Manager, Bekir Çakici, concluded.
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See the Forum Highlights
Read Doubling the Use of collective passenger transport by bus and coach – practical solutions
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