Building a more sustainable economy in Europe - “Non-Financial Information and sustainable finance –what next ?”
Building a more sustainable economy in Europe
“Non-Financial Information and sustainable finance –what next ?”
21 June, Espace Banca MontePaschi Belgio, Avenue d’Auderghem 22-28, Brussels
12.30-17.30pm followed by a cocktail reception
Building on work already undertaken at the international level by the G20 Green Finance Study Group and the Financial Stability Board Task Force, the EU is keen to promote an ambitious approach to sustainable finance. At EU level, debate has already been initiated on issues such as non-financial information disclosure, green bonds/green finance, or risk valuations of climate change.
To properly embed sustainability into EU financial services policy and the Capital Markets Union, an overarching approach is required. Promoting financial stability and sustainable development by enhancing the links between investment decisions, corporate behaviour and reporting has become a global need.
This is why the European Commission has created a High-Level expert group to help define a comprehensive European strategy on sustainable finance by the end of 2017. A strong EU strategy will steer public and private capital towards sustainable/ green investments, will explore effective and operational steps to protect financial stability from environment-related risks, and will help to deploy necessary financial market policies on a pan-European scale.
This work is developing significant momentum. The interim report of the High-Level expert group is nearing completion and the European Commission is about to release its long awaited guidelines on Non-Financial Information taking into account the recommendation of the FSB Task Force on climate-related financial disclosures. A growing number of companies are already using integrated reporting created to enhance accountability, stewardship and trust.
ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), AVIVA, Barclays and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) are therefore delighted to invite you to a lively debate to take stock of progress made so far, and to discuss a way forward for a European strategy for sustainable finance.
The panel sessions of our joint conference called “Building a more sustainable economy in Europe” will revolve around the themes “Non-Financial Information and sustainable finance –what next ?”
RSVP by 12 June to Cécile Bonino, ACCA’s Head of EU Affairs at cecile.bonino@accaglobal.com
Draft agenda
12.30am Registration and sandwich lunch
13.30pm Welcome Speech, Richard Howitt, CEO, IIRC
13.40pm Key note speech Sirpa Pietikäinen, MEP
13.50 pm Panel discussion on NFI –IR moderated by Raymond Jack, Executive Director, ACCA
- Nicolas Bernier-Abad, DG FISMA, Presentation of the NFI guidelines
- Noemi Robert, Senior Manager, AccountancyEurope
- Lé Quang Tran Van, AFEP & EuropeanIssuers
- Jacqueline Duiker - Senior Project Manager Responsible Investment, VBDO
15.00pm Q&As
15.20pm Coffee break
15.40pm Panel on sustainable finance moderated by Steve Waygood, Chief responsible investment officer - Aviva Investors
Film on sustainable finance
-Robin Edme, DG FISMA- Financial Services Policy & International Affairs unit, presentation of the work on sustainable finance/experts group
- Mark Lewis - Managing Director European Equity Research – Barclays
- Rahul Ghosh, Vice President – Senior Credit Officer, Credit Strategy and Research, Moody's Investors Service
- Davide dal Maso, UNEP Inquiry
16.50pm Q&As
17.10pm Concluding remarks, Paulina Dejmek, Member of Cabinet of European Commission President Juncker
17.20pm Conclusions , Mark Lewis - Managing Director European Equity Research - Barclays
17.30pm Cocktail reception