Brussels, 10 October 2012 – The European Project OurSpace - have your say in the EU! - has unleashed its digital platform allowing young people to have their say in shaping EU politics
Want to have your say in the EU?
Hate politics?
Not yet on OurSpace?
With OurSpace young people can express their thoughts on politics, society, economy and debate with decision-makers and politicians across Europe.
Talk, debate, share, participate, vote, propose, and contribute - be right at the frontline of those decisions that have been made for you and without you…up until now.
Put European Union decision-making in your hands, by using the online applications available:
- an online Deliberative Platform.
- an Android App, offering you access on the go.
- a Facebook App, giving you the same functionality as the OurSpace platform without ever leaving Facebook.
- an iGoogle Gadget, giving you immediate access to the latest OurSpace updates.
Quick facts: OurSpace is a three-year project co-funded by the European Commission, started 1 July 2010, running until 1 July 2013. It is available in English, Czech, German and Greek, with its Pilot Countries being the UK, the Czech Republic, Austria and Greece.
The OurSpace Team includes: the Athens Technology Center, 21c Consultancy Ltd, National Technical University of Athens, Babel International, Google Ireland Ltd, DUHA, Danube University Krems,British Youth Council, and Fondation EurActiv PoliTech.
Join us now at www.joinourspace.eu, or for more information drop us an email:info@joinourspace.eu
Get in touch with the Coordinator, Anna Triantafillou || a.triantafillou@atc.gr || Tel: +30 2106874300 || Athens Technology Center S.A., 10, Rizariou str, 152 33, Halandri,Athens | Greece.
Find OurSpace on Facebook and Twitter - @OurSpace_EU.