The Belgian EU Presidency - EurActiv ‘Special Week’ coverage on the challenges facing Belgium as it assumes the EU helm
EurActiv, the independent media portal specialised in EU policies, will be running special coverage from 21-25 June on the Belgian Presidency of the EU.
The Belgian Presidency, which starts on 1 July and runs for six months, comes at a time when the country is in political transition, with talks to form a new government coalition ongoing. A general election held on 13 June saw Flemish nationalist party N-VA become the single largest party in parliament, paving the way for more powers to be delegated to the regions in the country that hosts the EU institutions.
During the Special Week, EurActiv’s specialised journalists will take a look at the issues that the Belgian Presidency will have to deal with:
* What will the presidency programme look like?
* Will government coalition talks interfere with the presidency?
You can follow the stories on EurActiv’s 'EU Priorities 2020' policy section here:www.euractiv.com/en/priorities [FR] [ DE]
Media contacts:
Frédéric Simon, Editor, Tel. +32(0)2.788.36.78, editor2@euractiv.com
Daniela Vincenti-Mitchener, Managing Editor, Tel. +32(0)2.788.36.69, news@euractiv.com
Christophe Leclercq, Publisher, Tel. +32(0), publisher@euractiv.com
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