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Awareness campaign on marine pollution and media tour successfully conducted within the PEPSEA Interreg project


Fri, 06/10/2022


Climate & Environment

The PEPSEA project is in its final phase, and the end of the project is June 30th, 2022. In addition to the leading partner, the ZADRA NOVA Agency, the project partners are: Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca, Adriatic Educational and Research Center for Response to Sudden Marine Pollution - ATRAC, Split-Dalmatia County, Šibenik-Knin County, Regional Agency for Protection of the Ambien del Friuli Venezia Giulia, Ente Parco Regional Veneto del Po del and the Chamber of Commerce of Bari. The PEPSEA project with a total value of EUR 2.9 million is co-financed through the Italy-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program.

During the month of May 2022, as part of the final activities of the PEPSEA project, online and in-situ campaigns for raising awareness were conducted, due to the promotion of the results obtained on project PEPSEA where Partners in charge of EPSs were included. Maritime High School Zadar, Sali Tourist Bord in Zadar County, Faculty of Maritime Studies in Split, Traffic-technical school in Šibenik, local authorities and the City of Šibenik participated in campaigns for raising awareness of the importance of the sea and its preservation.

As part of the promotion of the visibility of the project PEPSEA which was shown in "More" television educational show, emphasis is placed on three phases of the sea pollution risk management: before (prevention, mitigation, detection, early warning), during (interventions) and after incident (remediation, monitoring) in EPSs in Zadar County, Split County, Šibenik-Knin County and Park Delta Po with two pilot locations. It is expected that risk of sea pollution in EPSs in Adriatic will decreased and system will be designed to prevent major incidents, efficiently and timely respond to incidents.


St Anthony's Channel in Šibenik



Stay tuned! In the city with the most beautiful sunset, on 13 and 14 June. 2022 project partners, external expertise and public authorities included in implementation of the PEPSEA project will meet at the final conference in Zadar. During the event, a surprise awaits us, cleaning one of the most famous bays in Zadar. The clean-up action, in addition to the benefits of cleaning the coastal area, aimed to show the general public how much waste can really be found on our coast and further raise awareness of this global problem. Let alone luck to collect as little garbage as possible and prove that residents are aware of the importance of preserving the environment around us!

The sea can do without us, but we cannot do without it!