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The argumentation document of the European Poplar Association available in 3 new languages


Fri, 03/21/2014


Climate & Environment
Brussels, 18 March 2014

In the framework of its latest Board meeting, the European association for the poplar sector published its argumentation document in three new language versions.

This document entitled “Poplar, the tree of the 21st century” was already available in French and has now been translated into English, Spanish and Italian. It invites policymakers to become acquainted with the indisputable advantages poplar has to offer. Through this initiative, the Board members of Pro-Populus wish to achieve a better understanding of the European poplar sector and a closer cooperation with the European institutions.
The publication stresses the rapid growth and relative facility of poplar production, which makes it possible to meet many expectations of our society. Indeed, poplar offers many favourable opportunities benefitting each and every actor of the wood sector.
In a time when important environmental decisions and commitments are taken, the members of Pro-Populus are convinced that poplar undoubtedly shows unique characteristics which make it the ideal transversal element supporting many fields of activities of the European Union, such as:
  • contribution to a greener and more durable economy,
  • tackling climate change,
  • raw material availability,
  • renewable energy use,
  • rural development, etc.
“In the different Member States, we note with concern that policymakers know very little of this reality and is far from supporting the plantations of poplar as they should be. Our intention today is to show to the political sphere that poplar really is the tree of the 21st century”, explains Nicoletta Azzi, President of Pro-Populus.
The argumentation document of Pro-Populus is available on
For more information, please contact Mr François Sougnez (franç, Secretary General of Pro-Populus.


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