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Apply now for the 7th edition of the European Paper Recycling Awards!


Thu, 10/03/2019


Climate & Environment
Every two years, the European Paper Recycling Award distinguishes European projects, initiatives or campaigns that change the way we do paper recycling and help Europe achieve our ambitious goal of a 74% paper recycling rate by 2020.
The European Paper Recycling Awards are run by the European Paper Recycling Council (EPRC) which encompasses the entire paper recycling value chain across Europe. The EPRC was set up as an industry self-initiative in November 2000 to monitor progress towards meeting the paper recycling targets set out in the 2000 European Declaration on Paper Recycling. To learn more about the EPRC, its activities and its plans to get Europe’s recycling rates to 74% by 2020 check out the website here.
The award competition is open to all entities based in Europe including schools, universities, NGOs, national and regional authorities, companies and associations. There are two award categories: Information/Education and Innovative technologies/R&D.
Eligible projects, initiatives or campaigns will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Relevance and Originality, Achievements, Possibility to reproduce the project, Cost effectiveness. More details can be found on the FAQ page
Application deadline for the 7th edition: Friday, 22 November 2019
Please submit your application here.
The award ceremony will take place in February 2020 in the European Parliament in Brussels, kindly hosted by Ms Jytte Guteland, Swedish politician and Member of the European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety. 
Note to editor:
For more information about sponsorships and registrations, please contact Katarzyna Dylag, CEPI Events and Digital Communications Officer
For press-related enquiries please contact Claire Couet, CEPI Public Affairs & Communications Director at
About CEPI
CEPI is the pan-European association representing the forest fibre and paper industry.
Through its 18 national associations CEPI gathers 500 companies operating 895 pulp and paper mills across Europe producing paper, cardboard, pulp and other bio-based products. CEPI represents 22% of world production, €90 billion of annual turnover to the European economy and directly employs more than 180,000 people. From forest fibre technology to advance paper design the industry currently invests 5.5 billion annually and is a leader of the low carbon circular bioeconomy transition.


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