All green products start with a #Greensource
Cepi, the Confederation of European Paper Industries, and EPIS, the European Pulp Industry Sector Association and its members, present their #GreenSource initiative, a European-wide effort to explain how the forest-fibre industries make the 2050 climate neutrality target a reality.
The forest-fibre industry wishes to offer innovative solutions to the needs of the European citizens and contribute to a sustainable lifestyle while making sure that forests keep growing, absorbing CO2 and protecting biodiversity.
A recent scientific study commissioned by Cepi on the Climate effect of the forest-based sector in the European Union shows that, thanks to the forests and forest-based products, we take 806 million tons of CO2 out of the atmosphere every year – this corresponds to 20% of the EU’s annual emissions – while bringing 3.5 million jobs, especially to rural areas.
“We can help decarbonise the economy and revolutionise consumption habits thanks to our innovative alternatives to fossil-based materials. According to a recent Material Economics[1] study, 25% of plastics could be easily replaced with paper and board already today without compromising end-product functionality.” Jori Ringman, Cepi DG.
We provide fossil-free alternative solutions for many sectors already today: media, packaging, health care and hygiene but also and increasingly for textiles. Cellulose-based materials might even replace the graphite used in portable technologies and the virtually limitless possibilities in biorefineries help us champion in bio-based green chemistry.
In times of COVID-19, it’s important to remember that we are delivering packaging, tissue and hygiene products that are essential to EU citizens while being good for the planet and good for the European economy.
#GreenSource is the common voice of our industry rising to tell the world how we are making a difference in the transition to a sustainable and climate-friendly future.
To learn more, watch our introductory video here.
To download the press release click here.
[1] https://materialeconomics.com/publications/sustainable-packaging