ALDE calls for further progress on reforms in Turkey
The European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee today approved Turkey's 2010 progress report sending a strong message of support for further reforms ahead of Turkey's general elections this June.
LAMBSDORFF_90.pngAlexander Graf Lambsdorff MEP (FDP, Germany), ALDE shadow rapporteur for accession negotiations with Turkey, said:
"We continue to support the long-lasting and open-ended process of accession negotiations - but we also point to many shortcomings that neither Turkey, nor the EU can be satisfied with.
"For liberals, in particular, the situation on fundamental rights - such as freedom of expression and freedom of assembly - is still highly unsatisfactory. It affects Turkey's capability to fulfil the requirement of the first Copenhagen criterion and must therefore be addressed as a matter of the highest priority.
"However, last year's constitutional reforms are a step in the right direction and we sincerely hope that further, prompt and comprehensive reforms are on the way."
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