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Agriculture & Construction Equipment European industries boosting a sustainable future for all


15 Oct 2019


Agriculture & Food
CECE and CEMA represent manufacturing industries producing high-technology equipment used in construction and agriculture respectively.
Together, our industries provide jobs to over 600,000 people all over Europe working for, both large multinationals and innovative SMEs. CECE with an annual revenues of ca. EUR40 bn and CEMA with an annual turnover of about EUR40 bn demonstrate the important role our industries play in Europe’s and global economy.
Our industries, like many sectors in Europe, have been experiencing rapid change in the past 20 years. New advances in digital technology are transforming the way we produce, trade and deliver sustainable solutions for the benefit of the environment and EU citizens.
Despite the enormous challenges our industries are committed to keeping high innovation levels and competitive leadership, providing jobs and growth in Europe’s and beyond.
To unlock the full potential of the digital economy and remain competitive in an increasingly globalised market CECE & CEMA call on the EU to focus on the following three policy requests to deliver:
  • Ensuring EU legislation fits machinery usage and operation based on solid scientific and economic impact assessments.
  • Completing the Single Market by proposing a legislative text for EU harmonised road circulation requirements for non-road mobile machinery such as excavators or combine-harvester.
  • Supporting long-term legislative stability for key internal market areas such as the machinery directive and stay aligned with the specificities and developments of the industry
A strong industrial policy needs to be at the heart of any European institution plan for the term 2019 – 2024.
Manufacturing industries drive innovation, growth and jobs in Europe. That’s why we need a political and legislative framework that empowers our sectors to remain competitive and master the digital transition to provide the best products and solutions for our customers’ evolving needs.Enrico Prandini, CECE President


  • Supporting European initiatives to incentivise investment and fleet renewal solutions that bring benefits to users and society, such as Common Agriculture Policy and Investment Plan for Europe.
  • Encouraging machine developments which promote process efficiency to reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Providing EU research funding in the most promising technology areas notably automation, robotics, digital connectivity and AI that can have a positive impact on tackling environmental challenges.
Today’s European manufacturing industries are committed to deliver technologies than can enhance more sustainable practices in farming and construction. Together, we call on the EU to devise mechanisms to incentivize investments in modern equipment that will bring benefits for users, society and environment.” Anthony van der Ley, CEMA President
  • Promoting global trade and openness by furthering the current system of multi and bi-lateral trade agreements.
  • Strengthening Free Trade Agreements, providing proper information to EU companies about their concrete advantages in export creation.
  • Fostering the export potential of high quality, high-technology, environmentally respectful European farm and construction machinery to increase EU’s market share on the global stage.

Exporting technology and innovation are the raison d’être of European industries. To make sure our industries remain competitive at the global scale, the EU needs to ensure mutual openness and a level playing field in its trade agreements Riccardo Viaggi CECE and Jerome Bandry CEMA Secretaries General jointly agreed.

To read full detailed policy requests for the EU term 2019 - 2024 from CECE and CEMA respectively, please check:
About CECE
CECE, the Committee for European Construction Equipment, represents the interests of 1,200 construction equipment manufacturers through national trade associations in 13 European countries: Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Sweden, Finland, The Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Russia and Turkey. CECE manufacturers generate €40 billion in yearly revenue, export a sizeable part of the production, employ around 300.000 people overall. They invest and innovate continuously to deliver equipment with highest productivity and lowest environmental impact. Efficiency, safety and high- precision technologies are key. See also
CECE aisbl
Bd. Auguste Reyers, 80 1030 Brussels
Tel. 02 706 82 26
About CEMA
CEMA aisbl ( is the association representing the European agricultural machinery industry. With 11 national member associations, the CEMA network represents both large multinational companies and numerous European SMEs active in this sector. The industry comprises about 7,000 manufacturers, producing more than 450 different types of machines with an annual turnover of about EUR 40 billion (EU28 - 2016) and 150,000 direct employees. CEMA companies produce a large range of machines that cover any activity in the field from seeding to harvesting as well as equipment for livestock management.
CEMA aisbl
Bd. Auguste Reyers, 80 1030 Brussels
Tel. 02 706 81 73


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