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Abruzzo’s ambitious objectives in terms of renewable sources “reviewed” during AER’s MORE4NRG project


Thu, 06/24/2010


Health & Consumers
Regional Policy

Pescara (I), 23 June 2010

MORE4NRG Peer Review in Abruzzo: a four-day visit to assess the performance of the region’s energy policies, made by a team of regional and international experts, among them GE Energy.

Four days of study visits and meetings with regional decision-makers and international experts

Based on AER’s unique peer review methodology, the fourth energy audit in the framework of the MORE4NRG project is taking place in the Abruzzo region gathering regional and international experts from partner regions and GE Energy. Through a series of meetings with regional decision-makers and energy stakeholders, the team will try to identify the factors that may affect the sustainable development of the region’s energy strategy, especially regarding solar energy, wind and biomasses technologies. The complete results of this audit will be issued in July.

Klaus Klipp, AER General Secretary, commented: “With such tools as peer reviews AER is able to get down to the core of the problem and thus help regions benefit directly from ours and from each other’s expertise. I am particularly pleased that Abruzzo, despite of its robust economic development, has not neglected environmental issues and relies on renewable sources, especially solar and biomass energy. Moreover, this peer review shows once again that public-private partnerships are crucial for finding viable solutions to energy challenges faced by regions, as well as for the definition of the best energy policies.”

Abruzzo is one of the partners of the MORE4NRG project and represents a best practice in terms of commitment in the production and consumption of electric energy from renewable sources, especially solar. The region signed the AER-FEDARENE declaration on “European Regions for Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources” in 2006. By 2015 the administration has set the ambitious objective to reach 476MW energy produced from renewable sources (Solar 75 MW, Geothermal 1, Hydraulic energy 10, wind energy 250, Biomass 123, Biodegradable part of the product wastes 20).

Antonio Sorgi, Director of Directorate of Affairs of the Presidency “Energy” of Abruzzo Region asserted: “Abruzzo region is pursuing with determination what has already been approved by the regional council through the energy plan, joining the Covenant of Mayors. The MORE4NRG project is fully integrated in the regional actions since it is an irreplaceable instrument of knowledge and comparison with other partner regions and local actors. "

The peer review started yesterday and will last three days. After having visited the wind park of Cerchio Collarmele, the solar plant of Scurcola Marsicana, and the project C.A.S.E. in L’Aquila as best practices of renewable energies applications, the team of experts had the opportunity to interview regional representatives, the Abruzzo Regional Energy Agency (ARAEN) as well as local operators and stakeholders.

Stephan Ciniselli, Senior Market Development Leader Europe Region of GE Energy, will  will take part in the peer review with a speech on solar trend and opportunities. The participation of GE Energy is organized in the framework of the collaboration between AER and GE Energy. The partnership launched in 2009 that creates a unique gateway between globally renowned energy experts and regional public decision makers; it also supports the European Union's energy and environment strategy while creating a benchmark centre of expertise and solutions in the energy field for all the European regions.

MORE4NRG project in brief

The project aims at strengthening the delivery of regional strategies for renewable energy sources and energy efficiency by exchanging best practices on sustainable energy policies and jointly developing an integrated monitoring tool for measuring the effect of regional sustainable energy strategies.

MORE4NRG brings together the AER and 11 regions: Flevoland (NL), Abruzzo (I), EPF/Gabrovo (BG), Lazio (I), Maramures (RO), Norrbotten (S), Noord-Brabant (NL), Prahova (RO), Västernorrland (S), Valencia (E), Western Greece. The methodology of the project includes analysis of the state of the art on energy strategies, targets and existing monitoring tools, and 5 peer reviews. Until now, three peer reviews already took place in Maramures (RO), Prahova (RO) and Gabrovo (BG).

The Assembly of European Regions (AER – is the largest independent network of regions in wider Europe. Bringing together more than 270 regions from 33 countries and 16 interregional organisations, AER is the political voice of its members and a forum for interregional co-operation.

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Assembly of European Regions

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‘Economy and Regional development’ Committee - Senior Policy Coordinator

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GE Energy Imageware

Frank Farnel

Director of communication and Public affairs (EMEA) 

+33 6 18 42 20 67 

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Desirée Brambilla

+39 02 700251


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