Klaus Heeger elected as new Secretary General of CESI |
CESI - European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions |
Tue, 01/03/2012 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Make understanding your taxes and finance a New Year’s Resolution |
Tue, 01/03/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Public sector finances – adding value in tough times? |
Tue, 01/03/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
IRU Indices show OECD countries on the brink of double dip recession |
IRU - International Road Transport Union |
Tue, 01/03/2012 |
Transport |
ASMAP President appointed Chairman of Russian Parliament’s Transport Committee |
IRU - International Road Transport Union |
Tue, 01/03/2012 |
Transport |
The Euro dilemma between liquidity and budget discipline – and both goals could be achieved |
Burson |
Tue, 01/03/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
La Fondation EurActiv PoliTech renforce son programme de bourse pour les journalistes européens avec la Robert Bosch Stiftung |
Euractiv |
Thu, 12/22/2011 |
Education, EU Priorities 2020 |
Fondation EurActiv PoliTech erweitert EU-Journalisten-Trainingsprogramm mit der Robert Bosch Stiftung |
Euractiv |
Thu, 12/22/2011 |
Education, EU Priorities 2020 |
Fondation EurActiv PoliTech expands EU journalist fellowship scheme with Robert Bosch Stiftung |
Euractiv |
Thu, 12/22/2011 |
Education, EU Priorities 2020 |
EU pledges to crackdown on double taxation |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Wed, 12/21/2011 |
Euro & Finance |
MEPs write to Kazakh President over violence in Zhanaozen |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 12/21/2011 |
Global Europe |
SEPA Regulation should set tone on card fees |
EuroCommerce |
Wed, 12/21/2011 |
Euro & Finance |
WEEE Directive: ‘Yes’ to its objectives, ‘No’ to its instruments |
EuroCommerce |
Wed, 12/21/2011 |
Energy, Trade & Society |
Single Euro Payments Area a fundamental element of the Internal Market. Sari Essayah MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Wed, 12/21/2011 |
Euro & Finance |
Public Services Providers express mixed feelings on the “SGI package” |
CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services |
Wed, 12/21/2011 |
Social Europe & Jobs, Competition |
WHO Rome office closes at the end of 2011 - Work on environment and health continues from other European locations |
Tue, 12/20/2011 |
Health & Consumers |
First EU-report on Maritime Cyber Security |
Tue, 12/20/2011 |
InfoSociety |
First Solar Names Christopher Burghardt Head of Sales Operations - Europe |
First Solar |
Mon, 12/19/2011 |
Climate & Environment, Energy, Sustainable Dev. |
European Development Days: Commissioner Georgieva endorses new Charter to End Extreme Hunger |
Caritas Europa |
Mon, 12/19/2011 |
Global Europe |
Industrial Control Systems Security: Recommendations for Europe & Member States |
Mon, 12/19/2011 |
InfoSociety |
EU-Russia Summit disregards demands of Russian people |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Fri, 12/16/2011 |
Europe's East, Global Europe |
IRT's statement on Russia's accession to the WTO |
Kellen Europe |
Fri, 12/16/2011 |
Trade & Society |
EU promotion policy central to the food industry’s competitiveness |
FoodDrinkEurope |
Fri, 12/16/2011 |
Agriculture & Food |
Protecting cyber space: Achieving effective cross border information exchange between the Computer Emergency Response Teams [CERTs] |
Fri, 12/16/2011 |
InfoSociety |
Water insecurity: time for action |
Fri, 12/16/2011 |
Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment |
Labour market restrictions for Bulgarian and Romanian citizens should be lifted. Elena Basescu MEP, Marian-Jean Marinescu MEP and Traian Ungureanu MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Thu, 12/15/2011 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Parliament adopts Roadmap on Single European Transport Area |
EuroCommerce |
Thu, 12/15/2011 |
Transport |
New Euro Treaty negotiations: Elmar Brok MEP to represent the European Parliament |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Thu, 12/15/2011 |
The EU 2050 Energy Roadmap - More alignment with Energy Efficiency potential needed |
EuroACE -The European Alliance of Companies for Energy Efficiency in Buildings |
Thu, 12/15/2011 |
Energy |
2050 Energy Roadmap underplays efficiency |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Thu, 12/15/2011 |
Energy |