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Fri, 09/12/2014


Regional Policy


The final conference of the European Project Thetris was held in Luby Castle in Nagyar, Hungary

Date: 9. září 2013 / 9th SEPTEMBER 2014
City, Country: Krásná Lípa, Czech Republic

During the final conference held on 5 September, 11 young winners of the photo competition from Central European regions attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition of their 3D posters of regional churches and received an award from Dr. Attila Tilki, a deputy of the Hungarian Parliament and president of the Association of Municipalities in the Upper Tisza Region.

The winning 3D anaglyphs of churches can be seen at the exhibition as well as in a new brochure and in paper stereo viewers, the 3D effect of which the participants of the conference also had the opportunity to try out.  

Neva Makuc from the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts presented interesting examples of 64 European local churches of the new Thetris Transnational Church Route, which can be seen in the new Thetris magazine as well as in the virtual tour on the website:

Six project partners from the regions of Italy, Poland, Austria, Germany and Hungary presented their pilot projects focusing on the use of cultural heritage in tourism and the development of local communities.

Mr. Peter Kalmár from the Hungarian Central Europe National Contact Point introduced the new Programme for Central Europe "DANUBE 2014-2020."

During the accompanying programme, experts on cultural heritage and politicians from the involved regions participated in a study tour around the Nagyar vicinity where they visited the “last active water mill in Central Europe” in Túristvándi, the Fehérgyarmat church as well as the local plum brandy production plant “Palinka.” They also bicycled on the cycling path connecting the new Thetris church route of the Tisza Region and Szatmár.

Under professional supervision, the winners of the 3D photo competition attended a special workshop focusing on outdoor photo shooting. In the castle garden full of roses, the young students also tried out the traditional handmade production of wool ornaments and folk embroidery.

The conference ended with a partner discussion on the project results inspiring future cooperation.

For more information visit the news on project websites:

For more information:

Klára Mrkusová
Communication Manager

České Švýcarsko, o. p. s.

(Bohemian Switzerland, Public Benefit Corporation)
Křinické  nám.1161/10
407 46 Krásná Lípa
Czech Republic

Notes for editor
Project THETRIS is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme co-financed by the ERDF.

Project name is: „THEmatic Transnational church Route devolopment with the Involvement of local Society“.
Project acronym is: THETRIS.


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