12 Days to save European coach tourism
EU Transport Council must support the European Parliament's almost unanimous vote on reintroducing the 12-day derogation for European coach tours.
Brussels – The IRU welcomes the European Parliament’s strong call, with 591 plenary votes for and only 18 against, to bring back the 12-day continuous driving derogation for drivers engaged in international coach tours in Europe.
The large cross-party majority obtained in Parliament, recognises the IRU’s and ETF’s joint commitment in this regard. The IRU thus reiterates its call upon the European Union institutions to implement an urgent solution to introduce a ’12-day’ driving derogation to EU Driving and Rest Time Rules, before 1 January 2009 at the latest.
It is now to the Council of Transport Ministers, to be held on 12-13 June, to support this Parliamentary move and allow coach businesses across Europe to help drive tourism and economic development.
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Get more details on the 12-day issue
Press contact: Juliette Ebélé, +41 22 918 27 07, Press@iru.org