12 TO 14 JANUARY 2021: Dunkirk is organizing the European Energy Transition Conference, in a format that is 100% digital and free of charge.


Fri, 10/16/2020



The 22nd edition of the European Energy Transition Conference – the annual appointment for the players committed to local energy transition – will be held from 12 to 14 January, 2021. For the 1st time in its history, on account of the current health context, the event, organized in Dunkirk, will have a completely free 100% digital format, with online contributions. Over the 3 days, many important testifiers – local elected representatives, representatives of the public authorities, the economic and academic worlds and the civil society, will follow on from one another making their contributions online to « large format » thematic plenary sessions for total immersion in the latest energy transition news. Chats and opinion polls will enable the participants to interact with the speakers simultaneously...It should be noted that the « networking » and « workshop » sessions, particularly appreciated by the conference participants at the event, will also be digitalized, with programming staggered over two months starting in January! Totally interactive, these appointments will promote co-construction and sharing – the driving force of the event. The full programme will be available at the beginning of December when registration opens!

In 2021, for the first time in its history,

the European Energy Transition Conference will be in digital form!

The current health crisis calls for resilience. This topic will moreover be at the heart of the 22nd edition of the European Energy Transition Conference. So the event in itself is not unique. Conscious of their responsibility in the current context, the organizers have chosen to make the 2021 edition "100% digital and free of charge". This is the opportunity for many to attend the Energy Transition Conference for the first time without any geographical or time constraints. It is also the opportunity to bring the French and European regions closer together on the energy transition and ecological issues. Over the 3 days, many important testifiers and speakers – local elected representatives, representatives of the public authorities, the economic and academic worlds and the civil society, will speak online on the event’s web platform and propose a simultaneous exchange of views to the participants via chats and online opinion polls. On the programme, as every year: ten or so plenary sessions tuned in to the latest news in order to decipher the major national and European issues (« Green Deal », crisis and resilience, hydrogen, quality of the air …).

A programme of workshops staggered over 2 months, from 18 January to 12 March!

Another important point: the workshop programme, initially organized during the 3 days of the event with over a hundred appointments, will also be maintained in digital form and will be staggered over a period of 2 months starting in January. These « networking » and « workshop » sessions will be totally interactive and will promote sharing and exchanges between the participants. The objective? Achieve the co-construction of concrete solutions between stakeholders in order to make a success of local energy transition – the historical ambition of the event.

The "European Energy Transition Conference":

The annual MUST for the local players committed to energy transition

Launched in 1999 by the Dunkirk Urban Community, in partnership with ADEME, then co-organized by Bordeaux Métropole and Greater Geneva, the European Energy Transition Conference has become over the course of time the annual appointment not to be missed for the local and regional players committed to energy transition. Organized following on from governmental high spots and in particular the UN Climate Summits (COP), the Energy Transition Conference is the opportunity for governments and local players and their partners to collectively appropriate the new national and international issues, and above all share successful experience and

concrete solutions for implementing energy transition locally. Every year the event brings together over 3 days, nearly 3500 participants around a programme of over 150 events – plenary sessions, workshops, site visits, village the energy transition village or again the energy transition jobs forum.


At the beginning of December, on www.assises-energie.net!


RP carrées - Sophie ROBERT-BEYS et Léa FRANCOIS –– sophie.robert-beys@rp-carrees.com Tel: + 33 (0)

Dunkirk Urban Community - Olivier COPPIN – olivier.coppin@cud.fr - Tel: + 33 (0)3 28 23 69 57