Resolution on MFF: vote result bodes badly for September MFF final negotiations


Wed, 07/03/2013


Euro & Finance

GUE/NGL MEPs have expressed their disappointment after a flawed resolution on the European Parliament's MFF position was voted through in plenary today.

President Gabi Zimmer said: "Even though the Council has taken no formal decision on how to cope with the big hole in the budget deficit of 2013, the EPP, S+D and the liberals welcomed this foul compromise. Behind closed doors an agreement was made that fobbed the EP and its claims off with promises for an uncertain future. This historic first austerity budget has a structure that can give no real answer to the huge problems caused by the crisis."

Jürgen Klute, member of the European Parliament MFF contact group, commented: "By voting in favour of this resolution, the European Parliament has agreed to the demands of the governments. It's a pity! After months of negotiations none of the red lines defined by the European Parliament have been delivered: in times of crisis the EU budget for the next seven years will be reduced by 9% to EUR 908 billion so that most of the essential social programmes will be victims of huge cuts and flexibility is only partly granted."

Alda Sousa said: "The EUR 6 billion for the youth guarantee is not entirely new money as half of it will be taken from the European Social Fund. It is an insult as it can not in any way reverse unemployment in Europe. As for aid to the most deprived, the amount remains a drop in the ocean for tackling the growing social crisis in Europe. This Parliament should be ashamed. The level of funding being proposed for research and innovation is inadmissibly low and the amount proposed for cohesion policies is far below what is required if the objective is to create growth and jobs."


GUE/NGL Press Contacts:
Emily Macintosh +32 470 85 05 08

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20

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