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No Competitiveness without Energy Savings


28 Mar 2013


EU Priorities 2020

Eurima, the European Insulation Manufacturers Association, sees the European Commission‟s presentation today of the Green Paper on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies as an important opportunity to re-emphasise the need for the EU to boost its competitiveness and sustainable growth with an ambitious, coherent and mutually re-enforcing set of measures and targets, including a meaningful binding energy savings target.

“Best practices on national level and numerous recent studies, including those done by the EC itself, show again and again that the three priority areas as outlined in the Green Paper: competitiveness, security of energy supply and sustainability are for all stakeholders best served by energy savings measures, ” said Jan te Bos, Eurima Director-General “It is clear that increasingly ambitious energy savings objectives –in particular aimed at the energy refurbishment of buildings- are the most cost-effective way to be able to „tick all the boxes‟ while creating millions of local, stable jobs and keeping energy prices under control. The recently adopted Energy Efficiency Directive should be seen as a first step in this direction and not be used as an excuse for further “wait-and-see” in this crucial policy field”.

For Eurima this Green Paper stakeholder consultation must lead to 2030 Climate and Energy objectives that avoid the replication of mistakes from the past and set the EU priorities in the right order: energy savings first, then energy supply from renewable energy sources and finally optimisation of fossil fuels. The EU must develop a set of meaningful binding greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy sources and energy savings targets within a coordinated and consistent framework of mutually re-enforcing policies, following a bottom-up approach, based on the identification of the main contributing sectors of the EU economy and the assessment of their individual cost-effective potentials in the context of a long-term 2050 perspective.

“The current debate is too short term and too politicised!” continued te Bos “If we want the EU to come stronger out of the crisis through boosting competitiveness and sustainable growth in a global context of increasing resource scarcity we need to take precautions now. This is best done by developing a forward- looking; “model-changing” view on Climate and Energy that puts the focus squarely on doing more with less in a smart way”

Next to this Green Paper consultation process by the European Commission, there will be a unique chance for the EU Heads of State and Government on 22 May to acknowledge that EU competitiveness needs energy demand-side management. Rising scarcity and prices of natural resources such as energy are increasingly putting EU industries and consumers under pressure, while, at the same time, the EU is struggling to incentivise its economy, and wasting billions yearly on energy imports. And we are still far away from reaching our long-term climate goals.

Saving energy, starting with the deep renovation of the EU building stock, is the best and most cost-effective response to the current EU economic, social and environmental challenges. It is also our biggest opportunity.

Eurima is the European Association of Insulation Manufacturers and represents the interests of all major mineral wool insulation producers throughout Europe. Eurima members employ over 20,000 people across Europe with the installation of insulation products accounting for an estimated 300,000 man-years.
Eurima members manufacture mineral wool insulation products. These products are used in residential and commercial buildings as well as industrial facilities. Glass and stone wool insulation secure a high level of comfort, low energy costs and minimised CO2 emissions. Mineral wool insulation prevents heat loss through roofs, walls, floors, pipes and boilers, reduces noise pollution and protects homes and industrial facilities from the risk of fire.

For further information on energy efficiency in buildings, please visit or contact:
Andoni Hidalgo
Public Affairs Manager
Avenue Louise 375, Box 4
1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 (0)2 626 2090
Fax: +32 (0)2 626 2099




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