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Lack of post-carbon ambition a threat to sustainability and innovation


15 Mar 2012


Sustainable Dev.

"The EU's lack of an ambitious policy on climate change is endangering the economy's path to sustainable development" said GUE/NGL MEP Sabine Wils ahead of the crucial European Parliament vote on the timetable for a transition to a competitive low-carbon economy by 2050. 

Wils said that EU emissions trading has so far failed as an instrument for climate protection and has undermined European climate change policy.

"This shows that market-based instruments to address climate change are inadequate. Long-term climate change will depend on binding targets for renewable energies and for the reduction of greenhouse gases". Wils recommended compulsory interim steps for 2030 and 2040 for the complete de-carbonisation of the economy by 2050.

"Ambitious climate protection with a long-term goal of 95% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2050, compared to 1990, will promote innovation and create new jobs in renewable technologies," she said.

GUE/NGL Press Contacts:

Gay Kavanagh +32 473 84 23 20   

David Lundy +32 485 50 58 12

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