European industrial renewal


Thu, 03/10/2011



European industrial policy must focus on energy and resource efficiency


The European Parliament today adopted the Lange report on "Industrial policy for the globalised era" responding to the EU 2020 flagship initiative issued in October 2010 by the Commission. After the vote, Green industrial spokesperson Reinhard Bütikofer said:

"The Parliament has today supported a set of actions to promote the competitiveness of European industry. I welcome the recognition that, to face the crisis and globalisation challenges, energy and resource efficiency must be the basis for European industrial renewal.

"Sustainability has to be recognised as a central aspect of the so-called ‘competitiveness proofing' and 'fitness checks' to be implemented by the Commission as part of its better regulation initiatives.


"The report rightfully calls for closed-loop industrial systems, greater resource productivity, durability and re-use, recycling and remanufacturing.


"The report also calls for instruments to foster the development and growth of eco-innovative SMEs, as well as the development of eco-industrial parks.


"It is important to bring the EU's industrial policy in line with its climate and energy policy objectives. The Greens expect the Commission to deliver on that challenge in its upcoming strategic initiatives, such as the Resource Efficiency Strategy, the Raw Materials Strategy and the Small Business Act."


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