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Kowtowing to manufacturers - commercial vehicles emissions proposal diluted


15 Feb 2011



Calling today a bad day for the climate, GUE/NGL MEP Sabine Wils criticised MEPs for caving in to pressure from manufacturers and major vehicle-producing countries in today's vote on emission standards for vans.


"A large majority in Parliament decided that new light commercial motor vehicles may emit up to 147g CO2/km until at least 2020, substantially weakening the commission proposal of 135g. The GUE/NGL sought a 120g limit."


"The lobbying by manufacturers was nothing new. Just as in previous occasions, they decreed that consumers must be burdened with the costs on the argument that European manufacturers would be disadvantaged and that there would be difficulties in technical conversion" she said.


Beside the CO2 emissions limit reduction, various loopholes were added to the rules such as the phasing-in period and supercredits to placate manufacturers.


"Everybody is talking about the fact that Europe must become more energy-efficient. This awful compromise, negotiated behind locked doors, contradicts the climate protection goals of the EU and puts the brake on green technology innovations. The GUE/NGL opposes this vehemently and calls for ambitious reduction goals" Wils explained.

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