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CESI Commentary on the Commissions proposal for an Anti-Discrimination Directive


Tue, 07/08/2008


Social Europe & Jobs

“The CESI welcomes the Commissions intention to promote equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation, but we highly regret that the Commissions proposal for an Anti-Discrimination Directive did not take a wider approach. Excluding gender motivated discrimination in the new directive follows the Commissions line to try and deal with discrimination in segmented fields. Instead, to launch a successful strike against discrimination on all grounds, the European Union would have to take an extensive horizontal approach closing all existing gaps instead of creating new ones.

The CESI has repeatedly underlined this need and insisted to renew  Directive 2004/113/EC to promote gender equality in all the fields as mentioned under Article 3 of the new directive, including education, social advantages, social protection, including social security and healthcare, and access to and supply of goods and other services which are available to the public.

Regarding equality between all people as a key issue of social Europe CESI is addressing the Council to revise the Commissions proposal and include gender motivated discrimination in the directive.

Kirsten Lühmann, President of the CESI’s FEMM Committee  

CESI is the mouthpiece for eight million workers in the public and private sector. Founded in 1955 as a European umbrella organization bringing together independent and free trade unions with affiliates in more than 20 European Union Member States, it is recognized by the European Commission as a social partner. 

For further information:  Nina Lucia Potzeldt, Email:; Fax: +32 2 282 1871; Phone: +32 2 282 1870