FEDIOL statement on the EU Commission action to restore EU single market and trade policy
Brussels, 2 May 2023 - FEDIOL, the EU vegetable oil and protein meal industry acknowledges the accord in principle reached on EU exceptional safeguard measures to counter the unilateral decisions by the five frontline countries to ban Ukrainian agriculture imports.
FEDIOL is a strong defender of a well-functioning Internal Market and of open and fair trade and understands that the EU actions aimed at restoring the Single Market and the EU authority on trade policy, need to address farmers’ situation in frontline countries, but also improve the functioning of solidarity lanes for Ukraine.
FEDIOL regrets that the EU has to resort to such trade restriction targeting certain EU Member States. It is giving a negative signal to war-torn Ukraine and its farmers, for which continuing to export has become critical.
As defined and now focussed on four agricultural commodities, we note that rapeseed and sunflower seed, which are relevant for the crushing and refining sector, are the raw materials within the scope of the EU exceptional safeguards. At this point, the products resulting from crushing, such as sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower meal and rape meal are not within the scope of the safeguards. The vegetable oils industry in Ukraine and in the EU will hence not be operating on a level playing field, which is likely to be detrimental for the EU oilseeds processing industry, notably in the frontline countries. In addition, the detrimental effects to the oilseed processing industry will likely spill over to the local seed markets affecting negatively local farmers’ revenue.
FEDIOL represents the interests of the European vegetable oil and protein meal industry. With over 180 facilities in Europe, the sector provides over 20.000 direct employments. Our members process approximately 55 million tonnes of basic products a year for the food and non-food markets. Oilseed crushing produces vegetable oils and protein meals as co-products. While vegetable oils are used for food and technical uses (pharmaceuticals, paints, detergents, biodiesel, etc.), protein meals are used to meet the increasing global demand for meat and protein. For further information, please contact Nathalie Lecocq, FEDIOL Director General, fediol@fediol.eu