21 November 2022 – Today, the FIA European Bureau (EB) publishes two studies on battery recyclability and cost of car ownership.
The study on battery recyclability provides guidance and recommendations on end-of-life policies regarding electric vehicle propulsion batteries. Open and verifiable information on the battery during its life cycle, together with uniform international procedures, is needed to support end-of-life treatment of propulsion batteries (i.e., recycling, and repurposing methods). Having standardised diagnosis of battery state conditions (i.e., State-of-Health, State-of-Charge) is paramount to innovate battery repair and second-life options. Experts also proposed a battery passport to track materials and battery information across its life cycle. It is important to highlight that all data about a vehicle’s battery should belong to the car user and enable them to provide this to independent service providers of their choice, not only to the manufacturer.
The cost of vehicle ownership study investigates affordability of future car use in the EU. It compares the main determinants of the Total Cost of Ownership of fossil fuel cars (ICEVs) and electric passenger cars (EVs) and identifies the driving factors behind affordability and equity. The study outlines scenarios for different vehicles and the associated costs and implications
for consumers across three EU countries: Denmark, Germany, and Italy.
As the adoption of electric vehicles is often taken up by more affluent households who can afford new technologies, a holistic green transition would also need to consider the needs of lower income households.
“The two studies we release today consider the green transition and the EU’s sustainability ambitions. A green and circular transition needs to consider the full life cycle of electric vehicle batteries, from production until end-of-life policies. At the same time, mobility needs to remain accessible and affordable for all consumers. The study on the cost of vehicle ownership highlights the need to consider cost differences for vehicles of today as well as in the future, and how consumers could be impacted with these changes.” concluded Laurianne Krid, FIA Region I Director General.
Read the study on battery recyclability here
Read the study on cost of vehicle ownership here
Diogo Pinto
Policy Director – FIA Region I
About the FIA European Bureau
The FIA European Bureau, based in Brussels, is a consumer body comprising 101 Mobility Clubs that represent over 36 million members from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The FIA represents the interests of our members as motorists, riders, pedestrians, and passengers. We work to ensure safe, affordable, clean, and efficient mobility for all.
Learn more at www.fiaregion1.com