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ENTSO-E and ENTSOG publish their joint draft scenarios for TYNDP 2022 and open public consultation


07 Oct 2021



Today, ENTSO-E and ENTSOG publish the draft joint Scenario Report for TYNDP 2022, a major milestone in the TYNDP development process. A public consultation has been launched and stakeholder feedback is welcome until 18 November 2021.

Regulation (EU) 347/2013 requires that the gas and electricity ENTSOs use scenarios for their respective Ten-Year Network Development Plans (TYNDPs), to support the 6th PCI selection process by European Commission. Scenario work is not only undertaken to test future electricity and gas infrastructure needs and projects but captures the interactions between the gas and electricity systems to assess the infrastructure of an integrated energy system.

Supply and demand data collected from both gas and electricity TSOs are used to build ‘National Trends’, the central policy-based scenario, reflecting Member States’ energy and climate policies and recognising EU climate targets. The ‘Global Ambition’ and ‘Distributed Energy’ Scenarios are developed as full energy scenarios (not limited to gas and electricity) and are built in line with the Paris Agreement target and the efforts of the EU-27 to reduce GHG emissions to 55% by 2030 and to net-zero by 2050.

For the first time, the scenarios utilise new sector-coupling methodologies and dedicated modelling tools, both to optimise overall system efficiencies and flexibility use and to capture better the interactions and new dynamics at the interfaces between various end-use sectors, at various geographical scales and with other carriers. It is also the first time that the scenarios have modelled hydrogen and electrolysis at pan-European scale.

Energy efficiency, system integration and innovation are key to achieve net-zero emissions. It will require a wide range of actions from all sectors of society. This is why we have worked closely with numerous stakeholders to build the scenario report and will continue throughout the whole TYNDP process” said Sonya Twohig, Secretary General, ENTSO-E.

Jan Ingwersen, ENTSOG General Director, commented, “Integration and innovation will be key to meeting European energy consumers’ needs, whilst also achieving EU climate neutrality goals by 2050. Hydrogen will play an important role for both gas and electricity systems as it will support decarbonisation efforts and interlink the two systems.”

The draft TYNDP 2022 Scenario Report is available as a pdf document on the ENTSOG (link) and ENTSO-E (link) websites. A dedicated website has also been developed for this report, available here

An online webinar to present the TYNDP 2022 Scenario Report will be hosted by ENTSOG and ENTSO-E on 20 October. More details of this event are available here.

Stakeholder feedback can be provided online until 18 November, using this link. Feedback can also be provided during an upcoming public webinar.

Should you require any further information please contact Carmel Carey (+32 492 454 629, and Claire Camus (+32 2 741 09 67,



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