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S&Ds: The fourth ‘Africa Week’ for a new sustainable and equal EU-Africa partnership kicks off, despite Covid-19


09 Oct 2020



From the 13th to 15th October 2020, the S&D Group hosts the fourth edition of ‘Africa Week’ virtually, a first of its kind. The S&D Group, together with our sister organisations, dedicates a fully-fledged event on Africa with African personalities, politicians, youth and representatives of civil society to venture into in-depth discussions on Africa policies and interventions and to outline our common priorities for future cooperation. This year, despite the global Covid-19 pandemic, will not be an exception. 

We will engage in rich political debates including a Youth Summit and a high-level session alongside cultural activities, music reflecting diversity, and film screening. These will be beamed live, via hybrid and remote digital streaming.

S&D President, Iratxe García Pérez, said:

“For decades, we Socialists and Democrats have placed Africa at the centre of political engagement in the European Parliament, and I am proud to continue this commitment under my leadership. The relationship between the EU and Africa is full of potential, but we have to open new ways to relate with each other. We can be partners to face global challenges and reinforce multilateralism. The pandemic has shown that we are all dependant on each other, and only together we can revert growing inequalities, fight poverty, strengthen democracy and education, and work together for a more sustainable and inclusive development. As partners, we can bring forward the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but we need to ensure youth and women’s participation, as they can be powerful game changers."

The ‘Africa week’ 2020 will interrogate the effect of inequality and digital transition on education, democracy and decent work. We will explore actions against racism and structural discrimination, climate adaptation and resilience locating sustainable solutions in a new partnership with Africa.

Our special guests from Africa and Europe include South African President Cyril Ramaphosa (tbc), Nobel Peace laureate and Sakharov Prize laureate, Dr. Denis Mukwege, and EU High Representative, Josep Borrell, the EU Parliament President, David Sassoli, First Vice President of the EU Commission responsible for the European Green Deal, Frans Timmermans,  EU Commissioners Jutta Urpilainen, Helena Dalli and Nicolas Schmit for International partnerships, for Equality, and for Jobs and Social Rights respectively, will discuss the various policies that have been put in place, the best practices to invest in, and the mistakes to avoid again.

On Thursday 15th October, at 10:00 Central European Time (CET), S&D Vice-President, Simona Bonafè, S&D Spokesperson in the Development Committee, Udo Bullmann and Carlos Zorrinho, Co-chair of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, will hold a press conference.

Find out more about the S&Ds' with Africa partnership (full Africa week programme available here EN and FR


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