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No social partners, no party: the conference on the future of Europe needs the genuine involvement of social partners to be meaningful


22 Jan 2020



Today [22nd January 2020], the European Commission presented its communication “Shaping the Conference on the Future of Europe”, laying out the contribution of the institution to the debate. This communication is a direct answer to the resolution adopted by the European Parliament on 15th January 2020.

One of the flagship proposals of the 2019-2024 legislative term, this Conference on the Future of Europe aims at giving a new impulse to the European construction and bring the EU closer to citizens. Running for two years, the Conference should lead to proposals for institutional reforms to make Europe stronger, more democratic, more efficient more transparent and with a greater capacity to act.

Reacting to those first contributions, Valeria Ronzitti, CEEP General Secretary, said:

“We welcome the joint ambition of the European Parliament and of the European Commission to organise a broad and far-reaching Conference on the Future of Europe. Building up on the record participation at the 2019 EU elections, this Conference should further give back ownership and trust about the EU project to citizens by involving them directly.

“Following the publication of the European Commission’s proposal, the European Council should now also put forward its own position. Only a genuine inter-institutional approach, involving all institutions, consultative bodies, social partners and the civil society across Europe, could fulfil the ambitions and expectations put in this initiative. The Conference on the Future of Europe should not be an exercise ‘by the EU Bubble for the EU Bubble’.”

“CEEP will closely monitor the upcoming discussions setting up the format and organisation of the Conference. With our representativity and the mandate it brings us, social partners have a legitimate place in the Conference. We therefore call on the genuine and proper participation of social partners in the governance of the Conference, as well as in the events organised in this context at national, regional and local levels.


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