EU Commission misses opportunity to halt dolphin and porpoise deaths this winter
The European Commission said today that it will not take emergency measures this winter to tackle the tragic death of dolphins caught in fishing nets.
Last winter, around 1200 cetaceans – almost all identified as common dolphins – washed ashore along the French Atlantic coast. 85 percent of these dolphins died after being caught up in fishing nets.
The entanglement of unwanted animals caught in nets is referred to as ‘bycatch’ and it is considered the greatest threat to cetaceans in European waters, with many thousands dying each year.
In July 2019, 22 environmental NGOs formally requested that the European Commission take legal action against 15 EU governments for failing in their legal duty to protect dolphins, porpoises and whales from bycatch.
The group also called for emergency protection measures to be introduced for Baltic harbour porpoises and North East Atlantic common dolphins to immediately prevent further deaths in these populations under imminent threat due to fishing activities.
Such emergency measures, which have a strong legal basis and are supported by comprehensive scientific evidence, should include:
- temporarily or permanently closing fisheries in key areas where bycatch is a problem,
- implementing year round on board observations and electronic monitoring,
- requiring mandatory use of acoustic devices that act as a deterrent to Baltic porpoises,
But at an event on bycatch today, the Commission’s DG MARE postponed its decision on emergency measures, citing a need for scientific advice that will not be available until spring 2020. In the meantime, thousands of cetaceans are at risk of dying from bycatch this winter.
ClientEarth Marine Habitat lawyer John Condon said:
“While it is good to see that the European Commission is taking steps to consider emergency measures, this delayed action to rescue dolphins, porpoises and whales from fishing nets could have disastrous consequences this winter, just like last year. The Commission should immediately adopt emergency measures – which it is empowered to do in these conditions by the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy.”
Eleonora Panella, from the International Fund for Animal Welfare, said:
“IFAW is pleased to see an increased interest on the issue and a potential link with the post-2020 Biodiversity Strategy made by DG Environment, and hopes that further involvement of the European Parliament could steer concrete actions from the EU and Member States, before we lose emblematic species such as the Harbour Porpoise.”
The event on tackling the bycatch of cetaceans was hosted by Rory Palmer MEP, chaired by Jackie Jones MEP, and organised by ClientEarth, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Seas At Risk, Coalition Clean Baltic (CCB) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). The Commission’s announcement follows on from a written response to a question submitted by Mr Palmer MEP.