Five sustainable urban mobility priorities for healthy and liveable cities
23 May 2019
Climate & Environment
Briefing for the European Parliamentary Elections
Before Europeans head to the polls on 26 May 2019, Polis outlines five urban mobility priorities for the candidates to the European Parliament. Future Members should consider measures to encourage and empower city authorities to take bold steps that reduce transport CO2 emissions and help fight climate change. We can expect a steady increase in urban transport demand with an ever-growing urban population and it is clear that dramatically different urban mobility systems are required. From the cities and regions perspective, five actions need immediate attention at all levels of governance:
I Tackle air quality and noise pollution
II A proper consideration of walking and cycling benefits in policy making
III Cleaner, safer vehicles adapted for the urban environment
IV New governance models to regulate innovation
V Championing investments in quality public transport
Read our recommendations to future MEPs here.
EBA - European Biogas Association
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I
Bioenergy Europe
Hekla Communications
Social Economy Europe
EASE - European Association for Storage Of Energy
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