CEEP comments the position adopted by the European Parliament on the MFF


Thu, 11/15/2018


Euro & Finance
Earlier today [Wednesday 14 November 2018], the European Parliament adopted its official negotiating stance on the European Commission’s proposal for the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 (MFF). Valeria Ronzitti, CEEP General Secretary, commented:
“CEEP welcomes the fact that the European Parliament, through its debates yesterday and today’s vote, took a clear stance for an EU budget able to address the current challenges. We consider the support shown by MEPs for an ambitious Cohesion Policy, a more important European Investment Programme and coherent Single Market regulations, as a clear step taken in the right direction.” 
“However, building up on the success of the Juncker Plan, we believe that an even stronger support to an ambitious InvestEU is needed. Promoting a more modern vision of investment, we see this proposed programme as an efficient way to channel money where needed, which should as such be further boosted, especially its social window where the investment gap remains important.”
“The debate on the EU added-value has highlighted the need to ensure that the EU is acting at the most appropriate level, in respect with the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality. CEEP believes that this EU added-value should become one of the key criteria for the successful use of EU funds and will ensure the proper functioning of the EU. “ 
“The ball now is in the European Council’s court. In line with our joint statement with the EU social partners in March 2018, CEEP now urges heads of state and of government to agree on the Multiannual Financial Framework, at least in principle, before the European elections. Such an agreement is necessary in order to ensure political continuity for EU priorities, for the benefits of citizens.”


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