The S&D Group calls for the end of violence and for democratic reforms in Nicaragua
29 May 2018
Global Europe
Following another day of violence in Nicaragua, with fire weapons used against students, Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament have called for the end of repression against demonstrators. During a plenary debate, they have condemned the State violence of the government led by Daniel Ortega, which has left over 80 dead and almost one thousand wounded.
The S&D Group also announced that it will support a Parliamentary resolution to be put to a vote on Thursday.
Elena Valenciano, S&D vice-president for human rights, said:
“Our role is to ask for dialogue. Psychology, not politics, will have to explain how a revolutionary becomes a representative of the oligarchy and represses his people. Our role is to call for the end of violence and repression, and for dialogue to continue. But dialogue between Ortega and civil society has been almost frozen because Ortega doesn’t listen. The Inter-American Commission on human rights, the Church and civil society have made recommendations that Ortega should listen to.”
S&D MEP Ramón Jáuregui, who co-chairs the EU-Latin America parliamentary assembly, said:
“In the name of which revolution do you respond with violence to the demands of the people? There cannot be an almost totalitarian repression against demonstrators in the name of socialism. I am a socialist, and I say that there is no socialism without freedom and without democracy.
“With the resolution that we will pass on Thursday, the S&D Group wants to clarify four fundamental questions: firstly, our condemning of violence; secondly, our solidarity with the victims and their families; thirdly, we will call on the government to stop repressing demonstrators asking for freedom; lastly, we will ask for dialogue to continue, because it should lead to important political reforms, including the electoral law. On this basis, elections should be called so that people can decide.”
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