EP trade committee gives CETA green light
Brussels, 24th January 2017 -- The EU-Canada trade deal has been approved by the European Parliament committee on international trade. The vote on what is the most ambitious and modern trade deal ever negotiated was welcomed by the ECR shadow rapporteur David Campbell Bannerman MEP.
Mr Campbell Bannerman said: “Of particular importance is that CETA will eliminate 99% of tariffs saving EU exporters almost €500m a year across all sectors, including services, and will also give EU companies access to Canadian procurement markets, something that Canada has never allowed before. In addition, it contains welcome new elements, such as a mechanism to allow for mutual recognition of professional qualifications.”
“However, it has taken too long to get to this point, and the EU must reflect on the time that it takes to get agreements negotiated and signed if they are to be taken seriously in future with major trading partners.”
Press officer to contact: Jan Krelina on +32 493 214 346 or jan.krelina@europarl.europa.eu
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