EASEE-gas Publishes Harmonised Gas Role Model Specification


Mon, 12/05/2016



(BRUSSELS, 05 December 2016) EASEE-gas, the European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange - gas, published today a Role Model document for the gas sector.

The document was submitted to stakeholders and experts on Thursday 12 May, during a one-day stakeholders' consultation workshop. It was then revised and finalised by the EASEE-gas Business Process Working Group and put on the agenda of the Madrid Forum to be presented as an intervention sheet.


The Role Model is a unique document listing all the actors in the gas industry as well as all possible roles and business processes. It focuses on information exchange between market participants with the aim to provide a common terminology for the roles that are used among European countries.

The roles were selected based on the existing descriptions of business processes in the gas market.  European regulations and common aspects of national regulations were also considered.

This is a pioneer document and proves once again the strength and value of having all market segments represented in EASEE-gas.


The document is available for consultation on the EASEE-gas website. It will soon be transposed into a CBP.




About EASEE-gas:

EASEE-gas (European Association for the Streamlining of Energy Exchange - gas) was set up in 2002 in order to develop and promote business practices to simplify and streamline both physical gas transfer and trading across Europe. EASEE-gas presently has 93 full members (companies active in the European gas market) and 30 associate members (industry associations, regulators, government agencies, etc). For more information, please visit www.easee-gas.eu or contact the office in Brussels.