S&D Group calls for respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Bahrain
Today European Socialists and Democrats strongly supported the adoption of the resolution on Bahrain it had proposed to the European Parliament and calling on the Bahraini authorities to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, most notably the freedom of expression and assembly.
Richard Howitt MEP, S&D Group foreign affairs coordinator said:
"Today, the S&D Group expressed its serious concern regarding the intensification in the past month of the campaign of repression against human rights defenders, political opposition and civil society, as well as the restrictions being placed on fundamental democratic rights in Bahrain, in violation of the country's own constitution.
"We call on the Bahraini authorities to immediately put an end to all acts of violence, harassment, intimidation, including at judicial level, to the stripping of citizenship, and to censorship against human rights defenders, political opponents, peaceful protesters and civil society actors by state authorities, security forces and services.
"Today we also called for the immediate and unconditional release of Nabeel Rajab and other human rights defenders jailed over allegations related to their rights to free expression, assembly, and association, in addition to the dropping of all charges against them.
"In 2012 with fellow members of the Human Rights Sub-Committee, I visited Nabeel Rajab in Jau Prison, Bahrain and his rearrest, being held in solitary confinement with his life at risk, shows how little has changed in the country in the last four years. I am proud Socialists and Democrats led the calls for this resolution, showing this European Parliament will never forget human rights defenders wherever they are at risk in the world."
S&D MEP Pier Antonio Panzeri stated:
"Freedom of expression, association and assembly, political pluralism and rule of law must be fully respected as well as the political rights of the representatives of Bahraini civil society.
"We strongly condemn the imposition of travel bans on the delegation of human rights activists on their way to attend the 32nd session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva and call for the government to lift them.
"The S&D Group also expresses its serious concern over the return of death sentences in Bahrain."