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Cefic’s statement on the publication of the Commission’s strategy for a Circular Economy


04 Dec 2015


EU Priorities 2020
Sustainable Dev.
Climate & Environment

Cefic welcomed the publication of the Commission’s strategy for a circular economy.

BRUSSELS, December 2, 2015 “Maximising efficiency and minimising waste are good business practice,” said Director General Hubert Mandery, “and it only makes sense to consider how those same principles can be applied to the economy as a whole.”

He expressed disappointment that the Commission appeared not to have taken the opportunity to clarify the definition of waste, and encouraged them to do so in order to ensure that valuable resources are not lost to the economy due to regulatory barriers.

Further noting that the Communication identifies a need to facilitate the traceability and risk management of chemicals in the recycling process, Mandery added, “The European Chemicals industry is committed to ensuring the safe use of chemicals. We look forward to working with the Commission and other stakeholders to make sure that the same high standards apply at every stage of the circular economy.”


For more information please contact: Valérie Rampi, Media Relations Manager, Cefic, +32 2.676.72.43 or

About Cefic

Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council, founded in 1972, is the voice of 29,000 large, medium and small chemical companies in Europe, which provide 1.2 million jobs and account for 17% of world chemicals production.


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