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Be Part of Data Days 2014! (17-19th February 2014)


17 Feb 2014


EU Priorities 2020

Data Days 2014 Kicks Off Today!

This could well be the Open Data event of the year, be sure not to miss it!

During 3 days, 51 speakers will give 27 talks in one of the 10 venue’s.

Open Belgium

On Feb 17th, The OKFN hosts day 1 of the Data Days, bringing together people from all over Belgium to help this country climb the Open Data Index. With plenary sessions featuring key speakers that detail the state of Open Data in Belgium, and an afternoon with tracks on Open Transport, Open Street Map, Creative Commons and more, this promises to be an intensive day.

Open Europe

Geert Bourgeois, Vice-Minister-President of the Government of Flanders, will launch Open Europe on day 2. Mr. Richard Kerby will tell us all about the latest trends from the UN e-Gov survey on Feb. 18th.  HE Prof Dr Ali Al Khouri, D.G of the Emirates Identity Authority will talk about Open Data and Government Decision Support Systems. Mr Gérald Santucci will outline the vision and strategy of DG Connect with respect to smart cities, including the specific contributions from various units to the realisation of that vision, without hiding the difficulties in gluing all activities together.  After the lunch break all participants can make their choice of track. At the end of the day, the Citadel Pilot Results will be announced. The Hackaton Winners will showcase their app and we announce the winner of the Apps for Europe Award! To close the day, the Flemish Region is offering all participants a free concert.

Open World

The legendary Dr. Tom Heath from the Open Data Institute will be a Keynote speaker on Feb 19th.  Dr. Irina Zálišová from EPMA will be outlining new methods of governance for the data economy.  Mr. Andrew Stott will tell us all about Getting Open Data used. Mme. Irina Bolychevsky, manager at OKFN, will review some examples and stories and set out new challenges to ensure that data really empowers organisations, citizens and individuals to make better decisions and push for better policy and practices. And don’t forget all the exciting tracks during this day!

Do not hesitate: join Open Data Pioneers, practitioners, thinkers and researchers from across the world to unlock and advance the power of collaboration and Open Innovation. Data Days is a joint conference by the Open Knowledge Foundation, Citadel on the Move and Linked Organization of Local Authorities. 

For information on tickets & registration, follow this link:


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