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S&D - Socialists and Democrats

Press Releases of this organisation

Green light for the implementation of Own Resources for a swift social and economic recovery in Europe S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 03/25/2021 Social Europe & Jobs
Helena Dalli will be a real fighter against inequality and discrimination across all EU policy areas S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 10/02/2019 InfoSociety
High Parliamentary expectations ahead of energy informal Council S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 04/18/2018 Energy, Climate & Environment
High time to address the challenge of climate change refugees S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 05/24/2018 Climate & Environment
High time to stop unfair competition by companies receiving distortive foreign subsidies S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 05/04/2022 Trade & Society
Historic agreement! Welcome Northern Macedonia! S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 06/12/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
Historic deal on responsible business conduct reached today - S&Ds delivered! S&D - Socialists and Democrats Fri, 03/15/2024 InfoSociety
Historic EU law on platform work finally unblocked! S&Ds deliver breakthrough for over 30 million workers, for social Europe S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 03/12/2024 Social Europe & Jobs
Historic meeting between Trump and Kim, but whether it goes beyond the photo-ops remains to be seen S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 06/12/2018 Global Europe
Horizon Europe: S&Ds lead majority calling for €120 billion for research and innovation in Europe S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 11/21/2018 Energy
Horizon Europe: S&Ds strengthen criteria for excellence and social impact of Research and Innovation grants S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 04/17/2019 Innovation & Enterprise
How to end the digital Wild West S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 06/28/2021
Human rights conditionality is a must in any EU-Turkey relations S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 04/22/2021 Global Europe
Hungarian government is acting incredibly irresponsibly in offering asylum to former Macedonian PM S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 11/21/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
Hungary’s veto of minimum tax for multinationals a heavy blow to tax justice S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 06/20/2022 Euro & Finance
If anyone can deliver a progressive, sustainable approach on cohesion and reforms, it’s Elisa Ferreira, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 10/03/2019 InfoSociety
If Brunei’s inhuman new stoning law is enforced, EU should impose tough sanctions S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 04/18/2019 Justice & Home Affairs
If we want to ensure peace, we have to defend democracies against Trumpism, says Bullmann S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/12/2018 Global Europe
If we want to protect our health and environment, the EU must ensure a common legal protection of soils S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 04/29/2021 Health & Consumers
Images of MEPs being hung in Poland are repugnant. Polish president and PM must condemn in strongest terms S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 11/29/2017 Europe's East, Justice & Home Affairs, Security
Immediate ceasefire needed in south-east Turkey to avoid more civilian victims, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 02/22/2016 Europe's East, Security
In Conference on Future of Europe follow-up, S&Ds will work for permanent and irreversible social progress in the EU S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 05/04/2022 InfoSociety
In tight vote, Nature Restoration Law rejected despite obvious benefits for people and planet S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 06/27/2023 Climate & Environment
Inclusion with equal opportunities benefits society as a whole S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 11/24/2020 Social Europe & Jobs
Independent press is essential for a functioning democracy; the EU must do more to protect it S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 05/03/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
Individual taxation is instrumental to achieving tax fairness for women, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 11/21/2018 Euro & Finance
Innovation should contribute to a fair transition towards a de-carbonised society, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 01/11/2018 Energy, Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev.
Instead of waiting for Fidesz to resign, the EPP should have kicked them out years ago S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 03/03/2021 InfoSociety
Internal borders within the Schengen area cannot be the new normal S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 10/23/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
International community must not abandon the Afghan people, and particularly women! S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 06/09/2021 Global Europe
