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S&D - Socialists and Democrats

Press Releases of this organisation

Silicon Valley is embracing EU's leadership in data protection and privacy, say S&D MEPs S&D - Socialists and Democrats Fri, 07/20/2018 Health & Consumers, InfoSociety
Strong transatlantic dialogue with progressive forces is more important than ever S&D - Socialists and Democrats Fri, 07/20/2018 Global Europe
S&Ds protest against Nation State and Breaking the Silence Laws in Israel S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/19/2018 Global Europe
Zero tolerance for Orbán’s asylum policies S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/19/2018 Global Europe
S&D MEPs meet UN Secretary General António Guterres to discuss how to better promote Sustainable Development Goals S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 07/18/2018 Sustainable Dev.
Udo Bullmann: Google must play by the EU rules when in the EU market. No company is above EU law S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 07/18/2018 InfoSociety
Kosovo has done its homework - citizens deserve to freely travel to Europe S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 07/18/2018 Global Europe
More transparency in EU negotiations with third countries - S&Ds welcome the publication of EU mandate for the post-Cotonou Agreement S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 07/17/2018 Global Europe
EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement, an important step forward S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 07/17/2018 Euro & Finance, Global Europe
S&D Euro MPs welcome a milestone agreement on migration at the UN S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 07/16/2018 Global Europe
S&Ds president Udo Bullmann: We will not allow our values to be undermined by people like Trump and Putin S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 07/16/2018 Global Europe
If we want to ensure peace, we have to defend democracies against Trumpism, says Bullmann S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/12/2018 Global Europe
There can be no second-class products, nor consumers, in the EU, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/12/2018 Health & Consumers
S&D MEPs express solidarity with the families of the victims of the recent violence in Nicaragua S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 07/11/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
Parliament puts forward ambitious proposals to enable parents and carers to take fairly compensated paternity, parental and/or carers’ leave S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 07/11/2018 Social Europe & Jobs
S&Ds urges the EU Commission to finally put a legal limit on trans fatty acids (TFAs) to save lives S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 07/10/2018 Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers
The EU approval system for pesticides must improve to better protect human health, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 07/10/2018 Agriculture & Food
Key committees back the deal reached by S&Ds on Energy Efficiency and Renewables S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 07/10/2018 Energy
Parliament backs new rules to crack down on money laundering and organised crime S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 07/10/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds: let’s stop being bullied by Unfair Trading Practices in the food chain. Consumers’ health and small producers’ rights come first S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 07/10/2018 Agriculture & Food
S&Ds welcome agreement on Greece and call for the EMU to become an engine for growth and sustainable development S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/05/2018 Euro & Finance
S&Ds in The Hague today: Fair taxes for all! Let’s fight for this #EuropeTogether! S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/05/2018 Trade & Society
Accidental Americans: EU must stand up to US over double taxation of EU citizens S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/05/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds heavily concerned about the invalidation of the mayoral elections in Chisinau but against the suspension of EU financial support to Moldova S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/05/2018 Global Europe
S&Ds: On the expulsion of Bedouin communities from the occupied Palestinian territory, Israel shows not to be a healthy democracy S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/05/2018 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds: the European Parliament voted for the Budget 2019 and to overturn the Council’s selfishness and buck-passing attitude S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/05/2018 Euro & Finance
Reform of European Citizens’ Initiative will make it easier for people to change direction of EU policy S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/05/2018 Global Europe
Lobbying over copyright reform crossed a line. No MEP should be subject to death threats. S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/05/2018 Health & Consumers
No one providing humanitarian assistance should be criminalised anywhere in Europe S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 07/05/2018 Global Europe
Parliament backs reform to make EU elections more transparent and democratic S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 07/04/2018 Global Europe



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