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S&D - Socialists and Democrats

Press Releases of this organisation

S&Ds: End to abusive lawsuits now! S&D - Socialists and Democrats Fri, 11/12/2021 Justice & Home Affairs
S&D Group President: “We must say it loud and clear that the EU must never fund walls” S&D - Socialists and Democrats Fri, 11/12/2021 Global Europe
Press invitation: The Great Shift: Socialist leaders gather in Paris to pave the way for a sustainable and fair future S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 11/08/2021 Sustainable Dev.
The Great Shift - game-changing policy proposals to build sustainable well-being societies S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 10/27/2021 Sustainable Dev.
S&Ds: With Farm to Fork, we’ll make the EU food system healthier, fairer and sustainable S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 10/25/2021 Agriculture & Food
S&D MEPs denounce Ortega for turning Nicaragua into one of the world’s worst dictatorships with a farce election S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 10/25/2021 Global Europe
Pandora Papers: conservatives trying to sweep tax abuse of their own politicians under carpet S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 10/21/2021 Global Europe
S&Ds: EU parliament calls on governments, civil society and industry to come together and make COP26 successful S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 10/21/2021 Climate & Environment
S&Ds want more money in the EU budget 2022 for social recovery from the pandemic S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 10/20/2021 Social Europe & Jobs
EUCO cannot turn a blind eye to the migration drama, particularly at the Polish-Belarusian border, says Iratxe García S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 10/20/2021 Global Europe
S&Ds to Commissioner Várhelyi: there must be no shortcuts on the rule of law for candidate countries! S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 10/19/2021 Global Europe
"Votes do not grant legitimacy to destroy democracy" Iratxe García tells Morawiecki in the plenary debate S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 10/19/2021 Central Europe
S&Ds call for European status for artists to ensure social protection for them all S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 10/19/2021 Social Europe & Jobs
S&Ds back court action for Commission’s failure to act: no country can breach the rule of law and enjoy EU funds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 10/14/2021 Justice & Home Affairs
Minimum corporate tax rate: EU must now rapidly implement OECD/G20 deal and use momentum to push for more tax justice, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 10/14/2021 Euro & Finance
S&Ds call for end to abusive lawsuits: Our courts should not be a playground for the rich and powerful S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 10/14/2021 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds: We expected more ambitious and concrete measures from the Commission to tackle the energy price crisis S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 10/13/2021 Energy
S&Ds on artificial intelligence: End flawed and discriminatory practices in the name of fighting crime! S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 10/11/2021 InfoSociety
EU needs to redefine relationship with US on a more equal footing and strengthen its autonomy S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 10/11/2021 Global Europe
Iratxe García from Warsaw: “Poland must stay in the EU’s legal order” S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 10/11/2021 Central Europe
Pandora Papers: S&D win crucial vote in fight against tax abuse despite conservative resistance S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 10/07/2021 Euro & Finance
S&Ds on DSA/DMA: We are astonished to hear others might put at risk these files that are crucial to our citizens S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 10/07/2021 InfoSociety
European funds go hand in hand with European values; S&D MEPs tell Hungary and Poland on Covid-19 recovery funds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 10/06/2021 Euro & Finance
Far too many people with disabilities in EU still face unacceptable barriers on a daily basis S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 10/06/2021 Social Europe & Jobs
S&D: The burden of rising energy prices cannot fall on the shoulders of Europe’s most vulnerable households S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 10/06/2021 Energy
S&Ds: The EU must honour its pledge to donate vaccines and boost production in Africa and in developing countries S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 10/06/2021 Global Europe
Lukashenka’s continued repression must be met with stronger EU sanctions S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 10/05/2021 Global Europe
Pandora Papers: EU must get serious about cracking down on tax abuse S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 10/04/2021 Global Europe
S&Ds to member states on 2022 EU budget: “Don't cut money for recovery behind the back of Europeans!” S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 10/04/2021 Euro & Finance
There are no ‘safe levels’ of asbestos - S&Ds push Commission for an ambitious first step towards Vision Zero S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 10/04/2021 Health & Consumers
