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S&D - Socialists and Democrats

Press Releases of this organisation

EU finally backs S&D call for crackdown on precarious and zero hour contracts S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 02/07/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
May should look seriously at Labour’s new proposals for a way out of the Brexit deadlock S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 02/07/2019 UK in Europe
Deal reached between EU Parliament and Council. S&Ds say NO MORE to 'Dieselgate' scandals, unfair competition goods and counterfeit goods sold in the EU S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 02/07/2019 Health & Consumers
68 million girls are at risk of genital mutilation in the next ten years. Let’s stop this cruel and degrading torture! say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 02/06/2019 Health & Consumers
S&Ds disappointed by Trump’s refusal to send a positive signal to transatlantic partner S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 02/06/2019 Public Affairs
S&D Group welcomes efforts to save the nuclear deal with Iran S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 02/04/2019 Security
S&Ds want more young Europeans to benefit from the Solidarity Corps volunteering experience S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 02/04/2019 Education
New rules will make the European Parliament fairer and more transparent S&D - Socialists and Democrats Fri, 02/01/2019 InfoSociety
Bullmann on Sea Watch: Salvini must stop punishing rescued people to further his far-right agenda. Interior ministers must now provide an EU solution S&D - Socialists and Democrats Fri, 02/01/2019 Security
S&Ds: It’s time for the Council to finally adopt the Women on Boards Directive, we need more women in economic decision-making S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 01/31/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
The only way out for Venezuela is by calling elections, and the EU will mediate to make it happen, say S&Ds S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 01/31/2019 InfoSociety
S&Ds: No time to waste - Europe needs a change of direction towards a green and socially just transition S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/30/2019 Climate & Environment
S&D Group leader Udo Bullmann going to Italy on Wednesday and Thursday to express solidarity and assess situation regarding the Sea Watch S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/30/2019 Public Affairs
S&Ds: Only alternative to backstop is a closer EU-UK relationship. We will not put Good Friday Agreement or single market at risk S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/30/2019 Justice & Home Affairs
Under the EPP umbrella, Orbán continues to reinforce his autocratic rule. The Council must urgently react S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/30/2019 Public Affairs
S&Ds: Italian Government is playing with people’s lives. We stand with our S&D comrades showing solidarity on board the Sea Watch S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/29/2019 Justice & Home Affairs
S&D Euro MPs secure new deal to strengthen the protection of Europeans’ health in the workplace S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/29/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
More needs to be done to crack down on disinformation ahead of the EU elections S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/29/2019 Justice & Home Affairs
Silver Rose Awards celebrates those fighting for social justice in EU and around the world S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/29/2019 Public Affairs
S&D president Udo Bullmann: prime ministers Zaev and Tsipras deserve Nobel Peace Prize S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/29/2019 InfoSociety
The rights of workers with caring responsibilities strengthened S&D - Socialists and Democrats Fri, 01/25/2019 Social Europe & Jobs
S&Ds demand a peaceful political process to re-establish the constitutional order in Venezuela S&D - Socialists and Democrats Thu, 01/24/2019 Public Affairs
We have to gear up in the fight against tax crime, says Udo Bullmann as new S&D study reveals €825 billion tax gap S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/23/2019 Euro & Finance
S&Ds make it easier and cheaper for Europeans to access medicines S&D - Socialists and Democrats Wed, 01/23/2019 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds: We need more checks and balances on work of the European Commission S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/22/2019 Justice & Home Affairs
May offers no way out of Brexit deadlock - time to put it back to the people S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/22/2019 UK in Europe
S&Ds welcome reinforcement of Franco-German cooperation S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/22/2019 Justice & Home Affairs
S&Ds lead fight against water scarcity and better management of urban waste water S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/22/2019 Climate & Environment
New deal for consumers: S&Ds ensure better protection in the digital world S&D - Socialists and Democrats Tue, 01/22/2019 Health & Consumers
Udo Bullmann: Congratulations Stefan Löfven and Good luck! S&D - Socialists and Democrats Mon, 01/21/2019 InfoSociety



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