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Save the Children

Press Releases of this organisation

Europe: Millions welcomed from Ukraine while 1 out of 50 refugees entering via Mediterranean dies or goes missing Save the Children Tue, 02/14/2023 Global Europe
One year on from landmark decision allowing families from Ukraine to enter Europe, commitment to long-term protection needed – Save the Children Save the Children Tue, 03/07/2023 Europe's East, Global Europe, Security
Over 200,000 more children are at risk of poverty in the European Union: Save the Children report Save the Children Tue, 03/07/2023 Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs
TÜRKIYE AND SYRIA DONOR CONFERENCE: Save the Children calls on world leaders to step up for children who survived Türkiye and Syria earthquakes Save the Children Fri, 03/17/2023 Global Europe, Security
The EU must not be complicit in the loss of lives at sea and in rights violations at Europe’s borders Save the Children Fri, 06/16/2023 Global Europe
Greek wildfires: EU must create safe routes for migrants as children, adults die in horror blaze Save the Children Thu, 08/24/2023 Med & South
Child migrants account for four in every 100 deaths in the Mediterranean a decade after Lampedusa tragedy Save the Children Tue, 10/03/2023 Global Europe
“Children are paying the heaviest price as violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory escalates” Save the Children Mon, 10/09/2023 Security
European Commission illuminated with giant projection to shed light on Gaza crisis Save the Children Mon, 11/13/2023 Global Europe
Mont des Arts lit up with projection demanding ceasefire Save the Children Thu, 11/30/2023
“Children should go to playgrounds, not detention centres”- Save the Children launches campaign for child migrants to be protected in EU Migration and Asylum Pact Save the Children Wed, 12/06/2023 Development Policy
Historically bad: new EU Pact on migration and asylum normalises rights violations and endangers children Save the Children Wed, 12/20/2023 Development Policy
Save the Children calls for extended EU protection of children from Ukraine with more than 590 killed in two years of war Save the Children Tue, 03/05/2024 InfoSociety
EU adopts historic Directive requiring large companies to focus on children’s rights Save the Children Fri, 05/24/2024 InfoSociety
New EU Parliament must put the needs of children at the centre of its political agenda Save the Children Mon, 06/10/2024 InfoSociety
Child migrant and refugee arrivals in Greece double in 2024, as children report alarming camp conditions Save the Children Thu, 12/12/2024 InfoSociety


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