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Company Description

PlasticsEurope is the only European trade association headquartered in Brussels with representatives across all European Union’s 27 member states. PlasticsEurope has developed close partnerships with sister associations that represent the European plastics manufacturing chain, which includes 50,000 converters and over 1,000 machinery manufacturers as well. PlasticsEurope is the official voice of the European plastics manufacturers.



Press Releases of this organisation

Plastics market in 2011: First estimates suggest around 4% increase in global production from 2010 PlasticsEurope Wed, 04/11/2012 Trade & Society
Resource Efficiency Roadmap: PlasticsEurope hails European Parliament’s call for a ban on waste landfill PlasticsEurope Thu, 04/26/2012 Climate & Environment
Plastics can help solve water scarcity issues, claims trade association PlasticsEurope Tue, 05/22/2012 Energy
Building renovation: More ambitious targets would create two million jobs, argues PlasticsEurope PlasticsEurope Tue, 06/12/2012 Energy
Solar Impulse inspires 150 students PlasticsEurope Tue, 12/04/2012 Climate & Environment, Education, Trade & Society
“Global Declaration” encompasses more than 140 projects in over 34 countries - Plastics associations report progress on global marine litter commitments PlasticsEurope Fri, 12/07/2012 Trade & Society, Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment
Change of leadership in the North Region of PlasticsEurope PlasticsEurope Wed, 01/09/2013 Climate & Environment, Trade & Society
European plastics industry on the Commission’s Green Paper on Plastic Waste in the Environment PlasticsEurope Thu, 03/07/2013 Climate & Environment, EU Priorities 2020
PlasticsEurope response to the Green Paper on Plastic Waste PlasticsEurope Tue, 06/11/2013 Climate & Environment, Sustainable Dev.
IDENTIPLAST 2013 - The International Event on plastics waste management: Paris 28 - 29 November 2013 PlasticsEurope Tue, 07/09/2013 Sustainable Dev., Trade & Society
PlasticsEurope appoints new Executive Director PlasticsEurope Thu, 08/01/2013 Public Affairs
EU decision-makers, industry leaders and students from across Europe debate youth employment in European Parliament PlasticsEurope Fri, 09/06/2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
PlasticsEurope welcomes the European Commission’s annual European Competitiveness Report PlasticsEurope Thu, 09/26/2013 EU Priorities 2020, Trade & Society
A voice for the global plastics industry PlasticsEurope Wed, 10/23/2013 Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society
World Plastics Council’s Executive Committee Holds First Meeting, Establishes Membership Framework PlasticsEurope Wed, 03/19/2014 Climate & Environment
Statement re: RAC opinion on re-classification of BPA PlasticsEurope Wed, 03/19/2014 Science & Policymaking
Parliament’s vote on plastics bags leaves industry concerned PlasticsEurope Wed, 04/16/2014 Health & Consumers, Innovation & Enterprise, Climate & Environment
Science Driving Consumer Protection: How Plastics Deliver, 20 - 21 October, Mövenpick Hotel Berlin, Germany PlasticsEurope Tue, 05/27/2014 Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society
Life Cycle Assessment & Product Environmental Footprint PlasticsEurope Mon, 06/02/2014 Energy, Science & Policymaking
The European plastics industry debates Marine Litter Solutions - PolyTalk 2016: Zero Plastics to the Oceans PlasticsEurope Tue, 01/19/2016 Climate & Environment
Winners of the First European Plastics Innovation Awards announced PlasticsEurope Tue, 01/26/2016 Innovation & Enterprise, Climate & Environment
PolyTalk 2016: Towards Zero Plastics to the Oceans PlasticsEurope Thu, 03/17/2016 Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment
A New Web Platform, a New Brand Identity for PlasticsEurope Wed, 03/23/2016 Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev.
EPCA and PlasticsEurope join forces to promote STEM education - New debating competition for European youngsters launched PlasticsEurope Tue, 04/05/2016 Innovation & Enterprise, Science & Policymaking, Education
Plastics value chain agrees on common demands for the Circular Economy Package PlasticsEurope Tue, 09/20/2016 Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev.
National Winners from across Europe heading to final of the European Youth Debating Competition PlasticsEurope Wed, 09/21/2016 Science & Policymaking, Education
Restrictions on single-use items will not solve the littering problem PlasticsEurope Thu, 10/13/2016 Sustainable Dev., Climate & Environment
PlasticsEurope creates a New Packaging Group to contribute to Europe’s Resource Efficient Circular Economy ambition PlasticsEurope Thu, 10/20/2016 Sustainable Dev.
Plastics Value Chain Creates a New European Stakeholder Platform to Drive Europe’s Polyolefins-based Packaging towards the Circular Economy PlasticsEurope Tue, 10/25/2016 Innovation & Enterprise, Sustainable Dev.
Reducing energy demand of buildings is key to reduce energy poverty PlasticsEurope Wed, 11/30/2016 Energy, Climate & Environment



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