CEPMC - EU construction product manufacturers association |
CEPI - Confederation of European Paper Industries |
CEPF - Confederation of European Forest Owners |
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Mannheim |
Center of International Relations |
CEN is the European Committee for Standardization and is officially responsible for Standardization in various sectors... |
https://www.cencenelec.eu |
CEMR - Council of European Municipalities and Regions |
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) is the old |
CEMBUREAU - The European Cement Association |
https://pr.euractiv.com/cembureau |
CEMA - European Agricultural Machinery |
CEIFAC - Collège Européen des Investigations Financières et Analyse financière Criminelle |
Le CEIFAC : un programme inédit de formation et de recherche sur les investigations financières en EUROPE. |
http://ceifac.u-strasbg.fr/CEIFAC_PUBLIC |
CEI-Bois |
CEFIC - The European Chemical Industry Council |
Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council, is both the forum and voice of the European chemical ind |
http://www.cefic.org/ |
CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services |
I. About CEEP
The European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services since 1961
The European... |
http://www.ceep.eu |
Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers |
CEDR - Conference of European Directors of Roads |
CEDEFOP - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training |
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
CECIMO - The European Association of the Machine Tool Industries |
CECE - Committee for European Construction Equipment |
https://www.cece.eu |
CEC - European Confederation of the Footwear Industry |
http://www.cec-footwearindustry.eu/ |
CEA - Insurers of Europe |
CDU/CSU-Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament |
CCI Paris Île-de-France |
http://www.cci-paris-idf.fr/ |
CBLF - The Covered Bond Label Foundation |
Caritas Europa |
https://pr.euractiv.com/caritas |