GUE/NGL Group in the EP

Company Description

The GUE/NGL Group in the European Parliament is made up of 35 MEPs from 17 political parties in 13 European countries. As the name indicates, it is a confederal group where each component party retains its own identity and policies while pooling their efforts in pursuit of common political objectives.

Press Releases of this organisation

Wrong track - Left vows to beat dire rail fragmentation proposals GUE/NGL Group in the EP Tue, 05/24/2011 Transport
EU-ACP Parliamentary Assembly calls for the suspension of debt repayments of "Arab Spring" countries GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 05/19/2011 EU Priorities 2020
Lobbying - fight for transparency goes on GUE/NGL Group in the EP Wed, 05/11/2011 Public Affairs
Schengen agreement must not be called into question GUE/NGL Group in the EP Wed, 05/11/2011 Justice & Home Affairs
New labelling rules a boost for consumers and animal rights GUE/NGL Group in the EP Wed, 05/11/2011 Health & Consumers
EU common foreign and security policy in dire need of a peaceful approach GUE/NGL Group in the EP Wed, 05/11/2011 Global Europe
MEP Cornelia Ernst will visit Lampedusa GUE/NGL Group in the EP Wed, 05/11/2011 Justice & Home Affairs
Cloning - Commission's scaremongering tactics on WTO confirmed in leaked Council document GUE/NGL Group in the EP Wed, 05/11/2011 Innovation & Enterprise
Commission censured for lethargy on fisheries crisis GUE/NGL Group in the EP Tue, 05/10/2011 Agriculture & Food
Group Study Days in Iceland to focus on environment, finance and fisheries GUE/NGL Group in the EP Mon, 05/02/2011 Climate & Environment
Group Study Days in Iceland to focus on environment, finance and fisheries GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 04/28/2011 Agriculture & Food, Climate & Environment
Member states can say no to GMOs GUE/NGL Group in the EP Tue, 04/12/2011 Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers
Immigration : Priorité à l' "Europe forteresse" au mépris des valeurs de l'UE et de la solidarité GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 04/07/2011 Justice & Home Affairs
Malmström must formally request activation of Directive 55 to help thousands of refugees in Lampedusa GUE/NGL Group in the EP Tue, 04/05/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
Left challenges Summit attempt to instate EU economic 'shock doctrine' GUE/NGL Group in the EP Tue, 04/05/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
Ending the "violence that affects us precisely because we are women" GUE/NGL Group in the EP Tue, 04/05/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
Single permit: MEPs miss chance to reject exploitation and defend workers rights GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 03/24/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
Innovation to stimulate job creation GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 03/24/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
GUE/NGL Press: Parliament needs to strengthen code of conduct for its members GUE/NGL Group in the EP Mon, 03/21/2011
The Japanese tragedy affects us all - EP should debate nuclear safety GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 03/17/2011 Energy, Global Europe
Unanimous backing for EU strategy on violence against women GUE/NGL Group in the EP Tue, 03/15/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
The EU can act differently, correctly, in the Middle East GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 03/10/2011 Global Europe
Détente and diplomacy for a constructive Iran strategy GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 03/10/2011 Global Europe
Industrial policy proposals need more ambition GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 03/10/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
GUE/NGL Press: core issues still need to be addressed for Turkey accession GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 03/10/2011 Enlargement
A step forward for Roma and Sinti communities GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 03/10/2011 Social Europe & Jobs
No to a fast-track, "Europe by decree" treaty change GUE/NGL Group in the EP Wed, 03/09/2011 EU Priorities 2020
Financial transaction tax - banking sector must cough up and pay its fair share GUE/NGL Group in the EP Tue, 03/08/2011
CAP 2020 must promote the interests of farmers and consumers GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 03/03/2011 Agriculture & Food, Health & Consumers
MEPs furious at Commission over shady expert groups GUE/NGL Group in the EP Thu, 02/17/2011 EU Priorities 2020
